RCGP Faculties

Hear from our members about the benefits and joys of being involved with the RCGP Faculties.

About Faculties in the UK and Republic of Ireland

The College has an infrastructure that supports members wherever they are. As well as headquarters in London, there are national offices in each of the devolved nations; 30 Faculties representing local areas across the UK organised into five regions, an additional Faculty representing the Republic of Ireland and another for international and overseas members; plus a collaboration representing rural issues, the Rural Forum.

The College's Faculties have improved the quality of general practice in their local areas. Learn more about role of the College Faculties in delivering comprehensive programmes of high quality education and networking events.

The College is unique amongst Royal Colleges in having a federal structure which enhances engagement with members at a local level.

RCGP supports its membership through a network of local faculties. There are currently 32 faculties, including one in Republic of Ireland and one dedicated to supporting overseas and international members.

Members and Associates are automatically allocated to one of the 32 faculties on joining the College, based on their personal post code.

Each faculty is represented by a Faculty Board, made up of a number of dedicated GPs and lay representatives who work voluntarily towards the College's vision, purpose and priority goals.

Ten core roles for Faculties (approved by Council November 2013)

  1. inform, respond to, and shape the RCGP Strategic Plan
  2. understand educational needs locally, regionally and nationally and contribute to programmes to meet those needs as appropriate
  3. be part of the relevant local and regional networks
  4. contribute to and influence the development of health policy issues locally and regionally (e.g. primary or community and integrated care delivery agenda)
  5. be responsible for supporting and engaging with members
  6. facilitate networks and discussion to explore the quality of service and how this can be raised
  7. maintain an overview of (and where appropriate meet) the needs of other members of the primary healthcare team
  8. be an advocate for the RCGP and promote the objectives of the college both locally and regionally
  9. effectively manage resources including developing future leaders
  10. consider (and contribute to) income generating activities at a local, regional and national level

At least one representative from each faculty sits on the College Council to ensure local views and opinions are considered.

Faculties are organised into seven administrative regions to enable the sharing of best practice and the exchange of ideas at a regional level.

Faculties have a close working relationship with colleagues in RCGP NI, RCGP Scotland, RCGP Wales and RCGP International.

Faculty structure

To ensure appropriate support and representation of our membership, the UK mainland is divided into 30 areas, each of which is represented by a local Faculty.

Each of these Faculties is managed by its 'parent' region, of which there are five (within the UK), select the relevant region below for details of the Faculties within it.

RCGP Members and Associates are automatically allocated to one of the Faculties based on their personal home post code.

Being on a Faculty board

Are you considering joining a Faculty board? This is what being on a Faculty board can offer:

  • An open forum to discuss issues relevant to members' needs and experience, e.g. ringfenced time on the agenda to discuss recruitment-related topics/updates from local leads and GP Societies
  • A chance to support localised recruitment events, and attendance at College events and initiatives
  • Feedback and recognition for your time and contribution
  • Continuity of representation throughout your career pathway

Faculty roles and opportunities

The following volunteer roles are available on each Faculty board. See the role descriptions below and register your interest in any of the roles using this form. A member of the RCGP team will be in touch to alert you to any vacancies and explain how to apply.

You can also use the form above to express an interest in joining the Board to contribute to the conversation, without taking on a specified role.

Full disclosure: some Faculties do not have roles available, and we are sharing the roles to garner interest in the Faculty boards.

Republic of Ireland and international

In addition to the Faculties set up within the UK, the RCGP also operates a Faculty handling member representation in the Republic of Ireland. There's also a further Faculty dedicated to supporting overseas and international members.

Contact us

Head of English Faculties: Matilda Sims
Telephone: 020 3188 7408
Email: matilda.sims@rcgp.org.uk

Head of RCGP Northern Ireland: Jill Brennan
Telephone: 020 3188 7724
Email: jill.brennan@rcgp.org.uk

Head of RCGP Scotland: Fiona Murray
Telephone: 020 3188 7749
Email: fiona.murray@rcgp.org.uk

Head of RCGP Wales and ROI: Nicola Edmunds
Telephone: 020 3188 7757
Email: nicola.edmunds@rcgp.org.uk

Useful links