Wessex Faculty
Get involved
Upcoming events
26 March 2025
A trainer's guide to the SCA: case examples and exam preparation
Join us for the second of a two-part series of FREE webinars on the SCA exam. This informative webinar introduces the SCA exam and is led by esteemed professionals Dr Roger...
27 March 2025
Introduction in to how mindfulness & compassion can help manage stress
Are you interested in how Mindfulness and Compassion might help you manage stress and get more enjoyment out of your personal and professional life? This online Taster session...
28 March 2025
First5 Bytesize: Appraisal Made Easy
Join us for an afternoon of getting the most from your appraisal. We look at tips on how you should prepare, how appraisal has changed since covid, toolkits and much more. There...
01 April 2025
Child & adult safeguarding: level 3 | Online
This RCGP Level 3 safeguarding course is for any GP practising in England. As GPs, we care for both children and adults and the course reflects this, covering child and adult...
Next board meeting
- Thursday 12 June - online
If you are not a board member but are interested in getting involved, we welcome observers at all meetings. Contact us if you would like to register for our next meeting.
Events programme
The faculty offers a varied events programme for GPs at all stages of their career including conferences and social events. To support the MRCGP training programme we offer case cards to assist trainees in developing their consultation skills, please contact us if you would like further details on this.
Local training and development
Fellowship nominations
March 2025
Wessex Faculty Fellowship Committee welcomes nominations of Members for the award of FRCGP. The committee will be pleased to offer informal advice to any member who wishes to propose a colleague for this honour. Guidance on eligibility and the process of nomination can be found on the RCGP website.
Meet your faculty
Faculty Officers
- Dr Karen O'Reilly - Joint Chair and Council Representative
- Professor Johnathon Lyon-Maris - Joint Chair and Council Representative
- Dr Sunil Bhanot - Provost
- Dr Pritti Aggarwal - Vice Chair
- Dr Donald Batham - Honorary Secretary
Faculty Board members
- Dr Colinette Margerison
- Dr Sonia Barros D'Sa
- Dr Julie Chinn
- Dr Helena McKeown
- Dr Aigbs Ohiwerei
- Dr Jonathan Rial
- Dr Sally Ross
- Dr Ben Rusholme
- Dr Mary Udo
- Dr Maryanna Taverner
- Dr Sharjeel Qureshi
- Dr Rebecca Piper
- Dr Emma Reinhold
- Dr Barbara Barton
- Samantha Scallan
- Dr Laura Edwards
- Jack O'Hara
- Dr Aimen Maksoud
Wessex GP registrar committee
Wessex Faculty has an active GP Registrar Committee who meet regularly to discuss training updates, local activity and any issues affecting Wessex trainees. Our one page summary document details everything you need to know as a Wessex trainee.
Contact us if you are interested in getting in touch with the committee.
Upcoming RCGP Events
- Wessex GP Registrar and First5 social event in Southampton & Poole - June 2025
- Wessex GP Registrar online training and Q&A with medical accountants - June/July 2025
- RCGP Annual Conference 9-10 October 2025, Newport, Wales
- Faculty Board Meetings, four a year online or F@F, next 12th June. Contact Amy Cope for more information
- Wessex GP Registrar committee 21st May 2025 19:30 - 21:15. Email us for more information
- Highlight our upcoming events: Art for GPs Course – 18th March
- 100+ RCGP F2F/online events
Applied Knowledge Test, AKT
- The AKT is the cornerstone of the MRCGP tripos exam to qualify as a GP, and sits alongside the SCA and the WBPA (workplace-based assessments). From October 2025 the AKT will reduce in length to become 160 questions, whilst maintaining the same standard of excellence as an exam.
- Registrars in Wessex are encouraged to investigate any potential learning difference. If you need to access reasonable adjustments quickly, it may be more timely to get private educational assessment.
- The MRCGP Curriculum is also updating as of 1 August 2025, to include the impact of COVID-19 on consultation, to reflect climate and environmental factors, inclusion of personalised care and valuing wider knowledge and learning.
Simulated Consultation Assessment, SCA
- The SCA has had a successful year of runs. There are 9 sittings a year, reservable in advance, £1180 fee, 6 attempts allowed as of those starting in Aug 2023, with consideration for reasonable adjustments. Technical completion rate of the exam remains excellent, with provision of re-runs of stations if required as a back-up.
Revision resources
- Each Patch has funds to help registrars with AKT and SCA preparation. Courses are on the RCGP website, link as above. Ask your patch office for repayment of one course per exam. Consider booking asap, and confirming repayment up to £500 from the patch office, they book up fast.
- Included in membership: GP Self Test via RCGP website for AKT preparation. SCA specific resources are also on the website. There are sufficient SCA preparation courses giving excellent advice on how to approach the SCA exam and how to structure SCA cases.
- The CelebrAiT page of the RCGP website offers top tips for the AKT and for SCA. The InnovAiT page has articles for AKT revision and test questions, accessed through RCGP homepage.
Travel expenses and tax deductible expenses
- Wessex GP School has guidance for recouping travel expenses to practices and training days. 30p per mile (or equivalent).
- Remember exam fees, memberships, courses and many other expenses are tax deductible, more information, visit the tax relief website.
Tier 2 visa extension and sponsorship
- The 3-year training visa can be extended by 4 months, you will need to apply. You will also need to apply for any further visa extensions if training is further extended.
- For trainees on a Visa and nearing CCT, the Wessex LMC website has compiled a list of Practices with a licence for Sponsored Visas. Useful information can be accessed on SharePoint.
- We strongly encourage all ST3 trainees with sponsored visas plan well in advance.
General Practice Fellowship Programme after CCT
- Some funded fellowships are available after CCT, although provision across Wessex is varied. ICBs hold the funding for these new-to-practice fellowships, you are advised to contact them directly for information. GP School fellowships are also available, the contact is Katie Collins, who has also been IMG Lead for Wessex.
The National Performers List and GMC Specialist Register
- RCGP and PCSE advise applying to be on the performer’s list for GP 3-6 months prior to CCT.
- The final ARCP is gateway to CCT, Registration with the RCGP and the GMC Specialist Register
Wessex First5
- For those trainees planning to stay in Wessex post-CCT, please consider joining the Wessex First5 Community either through the Facebook group or email us if you would like to join. Our First5 Rep is Mostafa.
BMA update
- BMA Junior Doctors 2016 Contract for Clear Guidance
- ST1-ST3 GP registrars are entitled to 4hrs FTE of self-directed learning time in hospital and in GP
Driving licences
- A valid driving licence is expected of GP Registrars, rural areas placements may require commuting by car. International driving licences are valid for a year, so plan for a UK driving test if needed.
Wellbeing support
- Looking after you too - all staff in Primary Care can access individual personal or professional coaching. The team provides a free 45 minute coaching call with the option of a further 3 x 30 minute calls to provide you with support.
- Project5 - Project5 offers free wellbeing support to all healthcare workers.
- There is financial strain on all in the current climate and would like to share the following resources for anyone struggling: GP wellbeing.
Supported return to training
- Wessex provides a return to training mentorship scheme for trainees who have been out of training for more than 3 months, for any reason. There are numerous valuable resources available on the Wessex NHS website. Please contact them with questions or if you are interested in the service.
The next Wessex GP Registrar Subcommittee meeting will take place on 21st May 2025. If there are any issues you would like raised for discussion, please do not hesitate to contact your local rep as below. If you are interested in becoming a rep, please reach out to any of the contacts in your area:
Patch | Location | Name | Contact |
Mid-Wessex | Basingstoke | pending | |
Salisbury | Anicka Sufraz | anicka.sufraz@doctors.org.uk | |
Winchester | Chris Mcquitty | chrismcquitty@gmail.com | |
Farhana Ahmed (IMG rep elect | ahmed.farhana011@gmail.com | ||
Mikalai Shchatsinka | mikalai.shchatsinka@gmail.com | ||
Dorset | Poole / Bournemouth | Maryanna Tavener (Chair) | tavener@doctors.org.uk |
Dorchester | Hasanurrahman Khan | hasanurrahman.khan@nhs.net | |
Kasey Redler (TOOT rep) | kasey.redler@hotmail.com | ||
Portsmouth and IOW | Portsmouth | Alina Zagorulko (Vice-Chair) | alina.zg@hotmail.com |
Aimen Maksoud | aimenmaksoud@me.com | ||
IOW | Ifey Okoye | dr.gelphie@gmail.com | |
Southampton and Jersey | Southampton | Ioannis Saxionis | isaxionis@gmail.com |
Bhargav Raut | bsr011095@gmail.com | ||
Jersey | Gillian Gowrie | g.gowrie1@health.goc.je | |
BMA rep | Wessex | Aimen Maksoud | aimenmaksoud@me.com |
First5 rep | Wessex | Mostafa Abdallah | rmedo2009@yahoo.com |
The contact details for the offices of our four Wessex patches are found on the Wessex GP School website, along with other helpful guidance.
Contact us
RCGP Wessex Faculty
13 Pelican House
New Street
SP10 1DR
Telephone: 020 3188 7709 / 7710
Email: wessex@rcgp.org.uk
Your local Faculty Administrator is Amy Cope.
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