North East England Faculty

Welcome to North East England Faculty. We are a group of volunteer GPs and allied health professionals working in primary care that aim to provide education and support to members locally. We cover North East England from the Scottish border to Teesside and East to the Cumbrian border. We support around 1900 RCGP members and offer a huge range of CPD opportunities.

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Latest Faculty updates

Inspire awards

Huge congratulations to all the winners, as well as short listers of the RCGP Inspire Awards. These awards celebrate the achievements of members in supporting the goals of RCGP and their fellow members. Thank you to all those that voted for the winners.

The Awards evening, hosted by was a real tribute to the commitment of our advocates to their members and the profession.

From the North East England Faculty we had two winners, Dr Lily Lamb won Member of the Year Award and Dr Alan Fortune was awarded Retired Member of the year. We are pleased to be showcasing talent from our region.

In addition to the below, the revered Professor Sir Denis Pereira Gray was awarded the lifetime achievement award by the host of the evening and RCGP President Dame Clare Gerada, and the audience were in awe to see him enjoy tributes from colleagues and friends played as part of his acceptance speech.

Get involved

04 July 2024

The RCGP 1-day SCA preparation course

This open to all one-day training course aims to improve your consultation skills and as a result pass your SCA. The course offers interactive sessions with experienced trainers and examiners.

05 July 2024

Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

09 July 2024

Child & adult safeguarding: level 3 | Online

This RCGP Level 3 safeguarding course is for any GP practising in England. As GPs, we care for both children and adults and the course reflects this, covering child and adult safeguarding topics – individually and jointly. The course will be based around practical considerations for busy frontline GPs. There will be plenty of time for questions throughout the day. CPD Points: includes 4 hours of child safeguarding and 4 hours of adult safeguarding.

09 July 2024

Effective out of hours training | part 2: COVID-19, Ethics, Organisational Aspects

This four-part online course is aimed at GP Trainees and GPs new to out of hours, working towards their urgent and unscheduled care competencies and GPs wanting to start or return to out of hours work.

Board meetings

Our Faculty Board meet four times per year, we are currently meeting via Zoom, March, June, September and November where we discuss local activities and issues of importance to our members. Our Council representative then feeds back to the College Council on matters concerning RCGP membership and wider general practice policy. All local members are very welcome to attend Board meetings and participate in these discussions – we are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us develop our local engagement programme.

AiT and First5 Meeting Dates

Events are currently being organised for 2024 and are always looking for new exciting speakers and topics. If you have a specific interest educational topics please let us know. We also have a new group forming and creating some exciting social events, if you wish to be involved or you would like further information please contact the Faculty office. Next year we have football, badminton and a painting session planned! If you would like to suggest other ideas, please do let us know!

Please see the events' page for upcoming lectures which are free to members.

Local training and development

RCGP Fellowship

We have an active Fellowship committee who regularly review applications and encourage members to apply for Fellowship. If you wish to self-nominate or nominate someone else please contact the Faculty for further advice. We can provide guidance and support you through the process. The Faculty currently have three nominations which are under discussion. For more information view the Fellowship page.

Meet your faculty

Faculty Officers

Dr Rachel Taylor - Chair

  • Dr James Larcombe - Provost
  • Dr Raj Bethapudi - Deputy Chair
  • Dr Arvind Rajagopal - Honorary Treasurer
  • Dr Lynsey Rae - First 5 Lead and Honorary Secretary
  • Dr Lily Lamb - Council Representative

Faculty Board Members

  • Dr Robert Lambourn - Rurality Lead
  • Dr Adebola Adisa - Wellbeing Lead
  • Dr Irbaz Khan - AiT Lead
  • Dr Alan Fortune - LCARM Lead
  • Dr Paula Wright
  • Dr Suzanne Kay-Worrall

Contact us

RCGP North East England Faculty

Telephone: 0203 188 7698

Your local Faculty Administrator is Clare Bartram.

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Current job opportunities in North England