North East Scotland Faculty

Welcome from North East Scotland Faculty, we are a group of volunteer RCGP Members who work closely with our other partner organisations; NHS Grampian, University of Aberdeen, Health and Social Care Partnerships, LMC and GP Sub Committee. We currently support over 630 members and their GP practice staff by providing educational and social events throughout the year. The Faculty have various awards and bursaries available to local members in recognition of excellent practice and new initiatives.

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03 July 2024

Domestic abuse: how can you help?

RCGP South East Scotland Faculty Board welcome Medics against Violence to provide this training on domestic abuse, sharing their insight into how abusive relationships develop and suggested actions that the whole GP team can take to provide support to patients experiencing such abuse.

04 July 2024

The RCGP 1-day SCA preparation course

This open to all one-day training course aims to improve your consultation skills and as a result pass your SCA. The course offers interactive sessions with experienced trainers and examiners.

04 July 2024

Building Resilience and Dealing with Stress in the Practice

What is resilience, and why do we need it at reception? How do we manage everyday stress and high demand? RCGP Scotland is here to help answer those questions through this training for non-clinical staff in GP Practices across Scotland.

05 July 2024

Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

Board meetings

Upcoming meeting dates:

  • June Faculty Board meeting: Tuesday 11 June 2024, 19:30 to 21:30
  • September Faculty Board meeting: Wednesday 11 September 2024, 19:30 to 21:30
  • November Faculty Board meeting: Thursday 21 November 2024, 19:00 to 21:30

We are really keen to hear from you on what you think our priorities should be in our local area. It’s also an opportunity to find out how you can be involved and contribute to the work of the College here, as well as nationally. If you are interested in attending, please contact to find out more.


A group of First5 GPs meet regularly in the city for social and educational events. If you are interested in attending these events, or are new to the area and would like to make contact with the group, then please contact Dr Douglas Naismith.

Awards and prizes

We organise several awards and prizes each year in recognition of the hard work and dedication of those working in general practice locally:

  • The Provost Medal, awarded for the provision of leadership and excellence within the North East Scotland Faculty, was presented to Dr Ruby Watt at the Ian Murray Scott Lecture 2023
  • The Denis Durno Award, awarded for recognition of distinguished work in the field of Medical Education in General Practice within the North East Scotland Faculty, was presented to Dr Elizabeth Barr at the Ian Murray Scott Lecture 2023
  • The Innovation Award, awarded to recognise outstanding contribution to and leadership of General Practice within North East Scotland Faculty, was presented to River Dee Medical Group at the Ian Murray Scott Lecture 2023
  • The Sir Lewis Ritchie Award, awarded for the highest combined score of AKT and SCA Exams in the North East Scotland Faculty region, was presented to Dr Harriet Turner at the Ian Murray Scott Lecture 2023

For more information, please contact us.

Meet your faculty

Faculty Officers

  • Dr Chris Provan – Chair
  • Dr Alasdair Forbes – Provost
  • Dr Margaret Denison – UK Council Rep, Scottish Council Rep and Vice Chair
  • Dr Douglas Naismith – UK Council Deputy Rep and Scottish Council Deputy Rep
  • Dr Mohammad Hashir Moeen – AiT Rep
  • Dr Sophie Gerring – AiT Rep
  • Mrs Heather Sharkey – Education Lead
  • Dr Deepa Shah – Climate and Sustainability Rep

Faculty Board Members

  • Dr Alasdair Forbes, Scottish Council Ballot member
  • Dr Laura Muirhead
  • Dr Iain Cromarty
  • Dr Lorraine Sinclair
  • Dr Shona Bennett
  • Dr Annabel Ross
  • Dr George Leiper
  • Dr Elizabeth Barr
  • Dr Peter Watson


  • Dr John McKeown, University Representative
  • Ms Sue Kinsey, Lay Representative
  • Dr Jamie Hogg, PCT Clinical Governance Lead
  • Dr Monica Milne, NHS Education for Scotland
  • Dr Emma Houghton, LMC Representative, Associate Medical Director Hosted Services and PC (Grampian)
  • Alice Ridley Aberdeen University GPSoc President
  • Dr Mishaim Bhana, LMC Rep, Chair Grampian LMC
  • Dr Shirley Laird, FFC Lead

Contact us

RCGP North East Scotland Faculty

Telephone: 020 3188 7730

Office opening hours: 09:30 - 16:30, Monday to Friday.

Your Faculty Support Officer is Gemma Gee.

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