RCGP London

The RCGP London Committee is a collaboration between the three RCGP London Faculties: North and West London, North East London and South London Faculties, representing one voice for the capital’s RCGP members.

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24 July 2024

Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

25 July 2024

Effective out of hours training | part 3: laboratory results, palliative care and telephone triage

This four-part online course is aimed at GP Trainees and GPs new to out of hours, working towards their urgent and unscheduled care competencies and GPs wanting to start or return to out of hours work.

30 July 2024

Effective out of hours training | part 4 sepsis, mental health and challenging situations

This four-part online course is aimed at GP Trainees and GPs new to out of hours, working towards their urgent and unscheduled care competencies and GPs wanting to start or return to out of hours work.

Board meetings

The RCGP London Board have four board meetings per year.

EASE (Education and Social Events) | monthly

EASE events are free to all RCGP members and provide a great opportunity to socialise with your local peers and receive detailed updates on key clinical issues. EASE take place on the second Thursday of every month and rotate around the London patch.

Local training and development

RCGP London Initiatives

October 2021

The London Journal of Primary Care is an international, peer-reviewed, pub-Med cited Journal and the official publication of RCGP London. The Journal, edited by Professor Paul Thomas and a team of experts from across the field of Primary Care, publishes a range of articles including case studies, editorials, multidisciplinary research collaborations and evaluated system improvement projects.

By giving a voice to London's GPs, the Journal aims to demonstrate ways to tackle old or difficult problems in new ways and to excite conversations amongst pioneering primary care specialists – all to inform grass root developments. The Journal also publishes regular London Landscape articles – reflective pieces that make an ideal platform from which appraisees can publish their work.

The editorial team offers a unique mentoring service to authors to help nurture articles from concept to publication, regardless of the author's prior writing experience.

For more information or to submit a paper, contact LJPC@rcgp.org.uk

Meet your faculty

Your Faculty Board

Dr Judy Roberts, RCGP London Chair

  • Dr Anwar Khan, Treasurer
  • Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown
  • Dr Liliana Risi
  • Dr Michal Grenville
  • Professor Val Wass
  • Dr Christiana Aride
  • Professor Paul Thomas
  • Dr Tabassum Khandker
  • Dr Simon Ormerod
  • Dr Catherine Millington-Sanders
  • Dr Andrew Papanikitas

Contact us

RCGP London Faculty
30 Euston Square

Telephone: 0203 188 7405/7403
Email: RCGPLondon@rcgp.org.uk

Office opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday.

Your local Faculty Administrator is Myriem Ashford.

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