East Scotland Faculty

Welcome from East Scotland Faculty. We are a group of volunteer RCGP members who provide local networking, education and support for members in the area. We cover Dundee, Angus, Perthshire and North Fife, supporting over 500 RCGP members and their peers. As a Faculty, we have a particular interest in supporting our members' CPD and professional development and provide a range of education courses, tailored to local needs from AiTs through to retired members.

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03 July 2024

Domestic abuse: how can you help?

RCGP South East Scotland Faculty Board welcome Medics against Violence to provide this training on domestic abuse, sharing their insight into how abusive relationships develop and suggested actions that the whole GP team can take to provide support to patients experiencing such abuse.

04 July 2024

The RCGP 1-day SCA preparation course

This open to all one-day training course aims to improve your consultation skills and as a result pass your SCA. The course offers interactive sessions with experienced trainers and examiners.

04 July 2024

Building Resilience and Dealing with Stress in the Practice

What is resilience, and why do we need it at reception? How do we manage everyday stress and high demand? RCGP Scotland is here to help answer those questions through this training for non-clinical staff in GP Practices across Scotland.

05 July 2024

Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

Board meetings

We meet four times per year, in February, June, September and November to progress our local engagement activities and discuss issues pertinent to our members, which are then fed back to the College Council. All local members are very welcome to attend Board meetings and participate in these discussions and we are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us develop our local engagement programme.

The 2024 Faculty Board meetings are scheduled to take place online on:

  • Wednesday 28 February
  • Wednesday 12 June
  • Wednesday 11 September
  • Wednesday 20 November

Awards and prizes

We are pleased to offer the following awards:

  • The John Lawson Award to a final year student for excellence in general practice. The 2023 prize was awarded to Laura Inglis.
  • 4th Year Merit Prize Award to the outstanding student for excellence in 4th year GP attachment. The 2023 prize was awarded to Hailey Rees.
  • 4th Year Merit Awards to students who have achieved the highest marks in 4th year GP placement. 2023 awards were presented to Caroline Armstrong, Emily Mander, Ethan Tien Wei Tang, Ilse Trip and Rebecca Hares.   

Please contact us for more information

Meet your faculty

Faculty Officers

Dr Amy Knighton - Chair

  • Dr Laura Roberts - Vice Chair and Honorary Secretary
  • Dr Gordon McLeay - Provost
  • Dr Shawkat Hasan - Honorary Treasurer

Faculty Board Members

  • Dr Simon Austin - Scottish Council Rep and UK Council Deputy Rep
  • Dr Scott Jamieson - Scottish Council Rep
  • Dr Munro Stewart - UK Council Rep and Sustainability Rep
  • Dr Elaine McNaughton - LCARM Rep
  • Dr Lloyd Thompson - Education Lead
  • Dr Panna Muqit
  • Dr Karen Nicolson
  • Dr Dave Shackles
  • Dr Claire Stubbings
  • Dr Golnessa Masson and Dr Paula Roberts - F5 Leads
  • Dr Kevin McConville
  • Dr Pauline Law
  • Dr Katie Jobling
  • Dr Issy Penner - AiT Rep
  • Dr Richard Humble
  • Dr David Shaw
  • Dr Chris Mair
  • Dr Lloyd Hughes

Contact us

RCGP East Scotland Faculty

Telephone: 020 3188 7730
Email: escotland@rcgp.org.uk

Your Faculty Support Officer is Diana Lints

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GP jobs in Scotland