Essex Faculty

Welcome from the Essex Faculty. We aim to provide the benefits of RCGP membership to colleagues closer to home. You are probably reading this because you already work in Essex in which case you are also most likely to be enjoying the beautiful beaches and fantastic countryside that the county as to offer! Essex Faculty is relatively small with 1000 members, Fellows and Associates in training. The Faculty Board is made up of local GP volunteers who run educational and social events for our members - we are always open to ideas and welcome new members onto the Faculty Board. The Faculty Board discuss matters of importance to RCGP and feed these back to the College Council. Remember this is your Faculty, so please do get in touch if there are ways we can serve you better.

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Get involved

We rely on members to play an active role locally, promoting the College aims and objectives. It is essential to raise and maintain awareness of demographic issues and the needs of GPs and patients alike, and develop initiatives to support these.

We currently have vacancies for: Faculty Lay member position available. For further information or to apply, please email

20 September 2024

AKT Preparation Course

This one-day interactive course has been designed for those planning to take the AKT component of the MRCGP. It will assist with your exam preparation and revision for the MRCGP AKT examination, focusing on high yield and difficult curriculum topics, including the topics trainees often forget to include in their revision and help with your exam technique.

24 September 2024

Child & adult safeguarding: level 3 | Online

This RCGP Level 3 safeguarding course is for any GP practising in England. As GPs, we care for both children and adults and the course reflects this, covering child and adult safeguarding topics – individually and jointly. The course will be based around practical considerations for busy frontline GPs. There will be plenty of time for questions throughout the day. CPD Points: includes 4 hours of child safeguarding and 4 hours of adult safeguarding.

24 September 2024

Lipid management in diabetes: statins and beyond | EWS

This webinar will focus on the increased prevalence of measles among the UK's paediatric population and the underlying causal factors. It will encompass the typical course of the disease, including its common manifestations, diagnostic signs, symptoms, and management recommendations. This is followed by a look at the complications that may ensue, both in otherwise healthy children and those with chronic health conditions.

25 September 2024

The RCGP 1-day SCA preparation course

This open to all one-day training course aims to improve your consultation skills and as a result pass your SCA. The course offers interactive sessions with experienced trainers and examiners.

Board meetings

Our Board meetings are held four times a year, in February, June, September and November to progress our local engagement activities and discuss issues pertinent to our members, which are then fed back to the College Council. We rely on our members to play an active role locally, promoting the College's aims and objectives.

Local training and development

RCGP Fellowship

January 2023

We award fellowship in recognition of a significant contribution to medicine, and general practice in particular. The Faculty actively encourages its members of 5 years plus standing to consider putting themselves forward for Fellowship. For more information view the Fellowship page.

Membership by Assessment of Performance (MAP)

January 2023

If you are going through the MAP process and would like any advice, please contact us and we will be happy to offer you support through our MAP Lead. For more information view the MAP page.

Meet your Faculty

Faculty Executive Officers

Dr Babafemi (Femi) Salako, Provost
Dr Anita Maria Pereira, Chair
Prof Syed Babar, Vice Chair
Dr Sanjeev Maskara, Honorary Sec
Dr Chuckwudi Ukpaka, Honorary Treasurer

Board Officers

Dr Sunil Gupta, Council Rep/FFC Chair
Dr Ashba Jafri, Education Lead

Board Leads

Dr Sarah Tade, EDI Lead
Dr Kazim Rizvi, First5 Lead
Dr Krishnakant Buch, Late Career Lead
Dr Vasandhara Thoroughgood, Sustainability Lead

Board Members

Dr Naveed Akhtar
Dr Linda Bello
Dr Nadeeja Koralage
Dr Rachael Marchant
Dr Ruth Marshall
Dr Bassey Okon
Dr Amit Sinha
Dr Ajith Sivaprasad
Dr Nithya Viswanath

Contact us

RCGP Essex Faculty
30 Euston Square

Telephone: 020 3188 7411

Office opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday.

Your local Faculty Administrator Debbie Board.

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Current job opportunities in South East England