RCGP consultations and briefings
The College responds to many consultations each year and we are keen for members to input into our consultation responses. To comment on any of the consultations here, or to let us know about a consultation we may have missed, please contact policy@rcgp.org.uk.
To represent general practice and ensure the voices of GPs are heard and understood in UK government and parliament and devolved administrations, we brief MPs and peers on the College's positions on a wide range of issues each month. If you have any questions about our briefings, please contact campaigns@rcgp.org.uk
Completed consultations
We respond to policy consultations issued by the UK government and devolved administrations, health regulators, and national and international bodies. Please find below the College's responses to major consultations from recent years.
- Scottish Affairs Committee – Problem Drug Use in Scotland (RCGP Scotland) (PDF file, 360 KB)
- NHS England: Feedback on GP roles under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (PDF file, 364 KB)
- HM Treasury - Phase 2 of UK Government's Spending Review (PDF file, 483 KB)
- RCGP response: Standardised packaging for all tobacco products: call for evidence (PDF file, 107 KB)
- Leng Review - Independent review of physician associate and anaesthesia associate professions (PDF file, 112 KB)
- Scottish Government – Palliative Care Matters for All (RCGP Scotland) (PDF file, 668 KB)
- RCGP response to the NHS England 'Red Tape Challenge' (PDF file, 385 KB)
- NHS England – Creating a New 10 Year Health Plan consultation (PDF file, 460 KB)
- RCGP response to Department of Education consultation on childminder recruitment and retention (PDF file, 66 KB)
- RCGP response to GMC consultation on regulating AAs, PAs, and fitness to practise (PDF file, 276 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Climate Change - national adaptation plan 2024 to 2029 (PDF file, 506 KB)
- RCGP response to Professional Standards Authority’s (PSA) good practice guidance documents (PDF file, 206 KB)
- RCGP response to the DHSC, NHSBSA, UKHSA, ONS and NHS England consultation on health and social care statistical outputs (PDF file, 304 KB)
- RCGP response to the role of incentive schemes in general practice consultation (PDF file, 347 KB)
- RCGP response to Social Housing Allocation Reform consultation (PDF file, 97 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Care and treatment of eating disorders - national specification: consultation (PDF file, 508 KB)
- RCGP response to the Medical Associate Professions (MAPs) Career Development Framework Consultation (PDF file, 441 KB)
- RCGPNI response to Regional Obesity Management Service Consultation (PDF file, 435 KB)
- Department of Health and Social Care - Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping (PDF file, 399 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Abortion (Safe Access Zones) Bill consultation (PDF file, 322 KB)
- RCGPNI response to General Practice Pharmacy strategy (PDF file, 276 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Alcohol: Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP): Continuation and Future Pricing (PDF file, 331 KB)
- Scottish Government consultation - Quality prescribing for respiratory: a guide for improvement 2024- 2027 (PDF file, 604 KB)
- ONS - Consultation on the future of population and migration statistics in England and Wales (PDF file, 639 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Health, Social Care and Sport Committee consultation on Healthcare in Remote and Rural Area (PDF file, 79 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Proposed Commissioner for Older People (Scotland) Bill consultation (PDF file, 468 KB)
- DVLA – Driver licensing for people with medical conditions: call for evidence (PDF file, 339 KB)
- RCGP Cymru Wales Response to Senedd Committee Consultation on Anti-Racist Action Plan (PDF file, 432 KB)
- RCGP response to the Department of Health and Social Care consultation on the Oliver McGowan draft code of practice on statutory learning disability and autism training (PDF file, 555 KB)
- RCGP Cymru Wales Response to Welsh Affairs Committee Enquiry: Impact of Population Change in Wales (PDF file, 108 KB)
- RGCP Cymru Wales Response to the Welsh Government's Draft Child Poverty Strategy 2023 (PDF file, 350 KB)
- Home Office - Consultation on Firearms Licensing in England, Wales, and Scotland (PDF file, 417 KB)
- RCGP Cymru Wales response to the Senedd Equality Committee request for further information related to violence against women and girls (PDF file, 308 KB)
- RCGP response to the Home Office consultation on the mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse (PDF file, 211 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Health, Social Care and Sport Committee call for views - remote and rural health care inquiry (PDF file, 85 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Winter Resilience Overview 2022-2023 Inquiry (PDF file, 337 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to 20 minute neighbourhoods (PDF file, 263 KB)
- Department of Health and Social Care – Major conditions strategy: call for evidence (PDF file, 522 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to the Chronic Pain consultation (PDF file, 297 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to the NHS 24 draft Strategy 2023 - 2028 (PDF file, 322 KB)
- RCGP response: DHSC Consultation on Data access policy update (PDF file, 443 KB)
- NHS Assembly "NHS@75 – An invitation to have your say" (PDF file, 287 KB)
- Special Inquiry Committee on the Integration of Primary and Community Care (PDF file, 173 KB)
- Department for Health and Social Care – Regulating anaesthesia associates and physician associates (Not yet published)
- RCGP Scotland consultation response: 500 additional medical school places (PDF file, 474 KB)
- RCGPNI response to the consultation on the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy 2023-2030 (PDF file, 214 KB)
- RCGPNI response to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee inquiry into funding for key public services (PDF file, 353 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Scottish Government’s Amendments to the regulation of independent health care consultation (PDF file, 93 KB)
- RCGP Cymru Wales consultation response on Environment Air Quality and Soundscapes bill (PDF file, 111 KB)
- RCGP Cymru Wales written evidence on the Public Health Approach to Preventing Gender-based Violence (PDF file, 129 KB)
- RCGPNI response to the Northern Ireland Department of health autism strategy 2023-2028 consultation (PDF file, 200 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Adult secondary mental health services - quality standards (PDF file, 512 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Delivery of psychological therapies and interventions: national specification (PDF file, 401 KB)
- RCGP Scotland response to Alcohol advertising and promotion (PDF file, 484 KB)
- RCGP Cymru Wales response to Consultation on Draft Treatment Framework for Substance Misuse in Children and Young People (PDF file, 503 KB)
- RCGP Cymru Wales response to Gynaecological Cancer Consultation (PDF file, 294 KB)
- RCGP Cymru Wales response to Duty of Candour Consultation 2022 (PDF file, 719 KB)
- NHS England – Interim service specification for specialist gender dysphoria services for children and young people (PDF file, 558 KB)
- RCGP Scotland consultation response to Patient Safety Commissioner for Scotland Bill (PDF file, 486 KB)
- A National Conversation to inform a New Dementia Strategy for Scotland (DOCX file, 44 KB)
- RCGP Scotland consultation response to Community Pharmacy Quality Improvement (Daffodil) Standards for Palliative and End of Life Care (PDF file, 464 KB)
- Public Accounts Committee – Introducing Integrated Care Systems (PDF file, 149 KB)
- NHS England – Building a future NHS vaccination strategy (PDF file, 448 KB)
- RCGP Scotland consultation response to Home Office ‘Swift, Certain, Tough: New Consequences for Drug Possession’ whitepaper (PDF file, 416 KB)
- Royal Pharmaceutical Society – What’s the future of pharmacy for the next decade? (PDF file, 261 KB)
- Welsh Government Innovation Strategy Consultation (PDF file, 58 KB)
- Senedd Cymru Welsh Parliament Cross Party Group on Hospices and Palliative Care (DOCX file, 170 KB)
- Scotland consultation response to National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (PDF file, 631 KB)
- CQC – Our approach to assessing integrated care systems (PDF file, 318 KB)
- Health and Social Care Committee - Integrated Care Systems: autonomy and accountability (PDF file, 139 KB)
- RCGPNI response to Raising a concern in the public interest (whistleblowing) framework and model policy (PDF file, 298 KB)
- Violence and Aggression in the Workplace HSC Framework Consultation: response from RCGPNI PDF file, 205 KB)
- RCGP Scotland consultation response to suicide prevention strategy (PDF file, 612 KB)
- RCGP Scotland consultation response: health and social Care – data strategy (PDF file, 145 KB)
- DHSC Mental Health and wellbeing plan call for evidence (PDF file, 403 KB)
- Good medical practice: public consultation on core guidance on professional standards (PDF file, 493 KB)
- Response to Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill in Scotland (Word doc, 100 KB)
- Urgent and Emergency Care consultation response, Northern Ireland (PDF file, 245 KB)
- Health and Social Care Committee – Digital Transformation in the NHS (PDF file, 116 KB)
- Scotland response to Gender Recognition Reform Bill (PDF file, 496 KB)
- Health and Social Care Committee - Expert Panel: evaluation of Government’s commitments in the area of the health and social care workforce in England (PDF file, 150 KB)
- Minimum Unit Pricing consultation response, Northern Ireland (PDF file, 158 KB)
- Department for Health and Social Care – Working in Partnership with People and Communities (PDF file, 322 KB)
- Scottish Mental Health Law Review (DOC file, 148 KB)
- Prevention of Homelessness Duties Consultation (DOC file, 63 KB)
- Healthcare regulation: deciding when statutory regulation is appropriate (DOC file, 53 KB)
- Self harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence (NICE Guidance) (PDF file, 554 KB)
- Menopause: Diagnosis and management (NICE Scope) (Clinical policy)
- Government Equalities Office consultation on banning conversion therapy (PDF file, 565 KB)
- Department of Health and Social Care consultation on revoking vaccination as a condition of deployment across all health and social care (PDF file, 322 KB)
- Professional Behaviours and Communication Principles for working across Primary and Secondary Care Interfaces in Northern Ireland (PDF file, 791 KB)
- Cardiovascular disease: risk assessment and reduction, including lipid modification (NICE Scope) (Clinical policy)
- Health and Social Care Committee inquiry on workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care (PDF file, 500 KB)
- Vaccine uptake in the population (NICE Guidance) (Clinical policy)
- Gout: diagnosis and management (NICE Guidance) (Clinical policy)
- Health and Social Care Select Committee Inquiry – The future of general practice (PDF file, 578 KB)
- RCGPNI response to the 10 year cancer strategy from Department of Health NI (PDF file, 170 KB)
- Type 1 diabetes in adults: diagnosis and management – glucose monitoring and diagnosis (NICE Guideline) (Clinical policy)
- Type 2 diabetes in adults: management – glucose monitoring (NICE Guidance) (Clinical policy)
- Gambling: Identification, diagnosis and management (NICE Scope) (Clinical policy)
- Depression in adults: treatment and management (update) (NICE Guidance) (Clinical policy)
- Epilepsies in children, young people and adults (NICE Guidance) (Clinical policy)
- Scottish Government consultation on A National Care Service for Scotland (PDF file, 114 KB)
- Recognising and Managing Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders (RCPsych) (Clinical policy)
- Maternal and child nutrition (NICE Scope) (Clinical policy)
- Safe prescribing and withdrawal management of prescribed drugs associated with dependence and withdrawal (NICE Guidance) (Clinical policy)
- Department for Health and Social Care consultation on making vaccination a condition of deployment in the health and wider social care sector (PDF file, 489 KB)
- Type 2 diabetes in adults: management (NICE Scope) (Clinical policy)
- Health and Social Care Select Committee Inquiry - Clearing the backlog caused by the pandemic (PDF file, 429 KB)
- Brain tumours (primary) and brain metastasis in over 16s (Quality Standard) (Clinical policy)
- Managing the long-term effects of COVID-19 (NICE guideline) (Clinical policy)
- Nursing and Midwifery Council – Draft standards for community and public health nursing (PDF file, 415 KB)
- NHS England and Improvement - England Medical Performers List Review - Information Gathering (PDF file, 218 KB)
- NHSX – Draft strategy - Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data (PDF file, 428 KB)
- Department for Health and Social Care - Women's Health Strategy (PDF file, 463 KB)
- Department for Health and Social Care – Regulating healthcare professionals, protecting the public (PDF file, 524 KB)
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics - The care and treatment of children and adolescents in relation to their gender identity: ethical issues (PDF file, 264 KB)
- NHS England & Improvement - System Oversight Framework 2021/22 Consultation (PDF file, 500 KB)
- Health and Care Professions Council – Questions for medical profession on HCPC regulation of advanced practice (PDF file, 83 KB)
- Cabinet Office COVID-status certification review call for evidence (PDF file, 424 KB
- Health and Social Care Select Committee - Inquiry: Department for Health and Social Care white paper Integration and Innovation: working together to improve health and social care for all (PDF file, 494 KB)
- Care Quality Commission - Consultation on changes for more flexible and responsive regulation (PDF file, 478 KB)
- Care Quality Commission - The world of health and social care is changing. So are we. Strategy consultation (PDF file, 453 KB)
- Department of Health and Social Care - Reducing bureaucracy in the health and social care system (PDF file, 139 KB)
- RCGP submission to HM Treasury Comprehensive Spending Review 2020 (PDF file, 477 KB)
- NHS England and Improvement: Primary Care Networks – Service Specifications (PDF file, 290 KB)
- RCGP Letter to Simon Stevens regarding Primary Care Networks - Service Specifications (PDF file, 140 KB)
Clinical policy consultations
RCGP responds to many clinical consultations each year, focusing on areas that are key to primary care where we can make an impact on clinical practice. We respond to policy consultations issued by the UK government, health regulators, and national and international bodies.
Quality standards endorsed by RCGP
Parliamentary briefings
We brief MPs and peers on the College's positions on a wide range of issues each month. Please find a summary below of our briefings for parliamentary debates from recent years.
- RCGP MP briefing for second reading of Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill (PDF file, 463 KB)
- RCGP MP briefing for Autumn Budget 2024 debate (PDF file, 338 KB)
- RCGP Written Evidence to PAC Inquiry on NHS financial sustainability (PDF file, 165 KB)
- RCGP submission: Autumn Budget 2024/Spending Review (PDF file, 501 KB)
- RCGP MP briefing: General Debate on ‘Lord Darzi's independent investigation into NHS performance (PDF file, 456 KB)
- House of Commons: NHS General debate (PDF file, 297 KB)
- House of Lords Oral Question on Logistical Difficulties of Getting GP Appointments and its Impact on Patient Care and Choice (PDF file, 292 KB)
- Westminster Hall Debate: Eating Disorder Awareness Week (PDF file, 297 KB)
- RCGP Briefing Opposition Day Debate on a Long-term Strategy for the NHS (PDF file, 462 KB)
- Westminster Hall Debate on Potential Merits of Training Additional Doctors (PDF file, 441 KB)
- House of Commons Oral Question on Increasing Retention and Recruitment of NHS Staff (PDF file, 349 KB)
- Health and Social Care Committee Session on Addressing the Urgent Issues Facing the NHS (PDF file, 454 KB)
- House of Commons Oral Question on Recent Assessment Made of the Adequacy of Funding for the NHS (PDF file, 448 KB)
- House of Commons Oral Question on Steps Taken to Help Improve Access to GPs (PDF file, 456 KB)
- Opposition Day Debate: NHS long-term strategy (PDF file, 475 KB)
- House of Commons oral question: Access to GP appointments and services in England (PDF file, 307 KB)
- House of Commons oral question: Relationship Based Care (PDF file, 446 KB)
- House of Commons oral question: Workforce (PDF file, 426 KB)
- House of Lords oral question: NHS Building Maintenance (PDF file, 404 KB)
- House of Commons oral question: Performance of NHS waiting times (PDF file, 402 KB)
- Westminster Hall debate: Menopause and the Workplace (PDF file, 419 KB)
- House of Lords debate: The role of primary and community care in improving patient outcomes and the need for reform (PDF file, 4914 KB)
- House of Lords oral question: GP Shortages (in England) (PDF file, 426 KB)
- Variations in the quality of primary care across England including access to GP services (PDF file, 447 KB)
RCGP consultations archive
Older consultations have been recorded permanently in the internet archive should you wish to view them.
There is also an archive of clinical policy consultations prior to 2020.
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