RCGP news


06 January 2021

General practice continues to be open

RCGP Chair Professor Martin Marshall responds to new NHS England guidance for general practice to deprioritise non-essential services.

05 January 2021

GP teams ready to deliver Oxford vaccine but need expanded workforce, says RCGP

Professor Martin Marshall, RCGP Chair, said: “GPs and our teams are working incredibly hard delivering vaccines in the community as long as there is supply."

31 December 2020

College response to changes to Pfizer vaccine schedule

It will be deeply frustrating for GPs and their teams to have to cancel appointments for patients already booked in for their second dose of the vaccine.

31 December 2020

Red tape must not prevent retired GPs returning to the frontline, says College

Recently retired GPs - and other healthcare professionals - signed up in droves to help with efforts to tackle the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

30 December 2020

GPs stand ready to support vaccination efforts as Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is approved

The British Medical Association's NI General Practitioner's Committee (NIGPC) and the Royal College of GPs Northern Ireland (RCGPNI) have welcomed the approval of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

30 December 2020

Oxford vaccine will be a ‘game changer’ for general practice in the fight against COVID, says College

GPs and our teams are already working incredibly hard delivering the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine.

23 December 2020

RCGP Scotland responds to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout

General practice has a key role to play in the coronavirus vaccination programme.

23 December 2020

GPs need information about vaccine supply, with as much notice as possible says RCGP

GPs and our teams have prepared incredibly hard to facilitate the Covid-19 vaccination programme roll out in general practice.

22 December 2020

Accurate, comprehensive vaccine data vital so issues can be identified and addressed, says RCGP

GPs are working exceptionally hard to deliver the Covid-19 vaccination programme to vulnerable and at-risk patients across the community.