Consulting skills courses

The RCGP provides courses for GPs and other primary care professionals seeking to develop their consultation skills.

Our courses include:

Telephone Consultation and Triage Skills

This popular, long-standing RCGP course is now delivered online and provides you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in telephone assessments to practise safely, effectively and efficiently. The day is entirely practical and will give you realistic tools and techniques in telephone triage and consultations by using interactive exercises, real calls, group work and plenary talks to explore what’s involved in providing care when we are unable to see the patient. The course is suitable for all GPs (qualified and practising, and GP registrars or newly qualified), practice nurses and pharmacists.




Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

  • Date

    30 April 2025
  • Start time

  • Places left
