Courses and events

We provide a wide range of high-quality online events to support our members' continuing professional development. Topics cover a broad range of clinical, wellbeing and developmental themes for GPs at all stages of their career.




SCA cases and panel discussion (free preparation webinar)

Join us for the concluding instalment of our two-part series of FREE webinars on the SCA exam, led by esteemed professionals Dr Roger Neighbour, Dr Robin Simpson, and Dr Jim Bartlett. With extensive experience as examiners and facilitators of successful SCA prep courses for the RCGP, they bring a wealth of knowledge to guide you through this crucial examination.

  • Date

    16 July 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left

Sold out

Ocean View Bar & Dining

RCGP manifesto discussion dinner - Plymouth

Dr Susanna Hill, Tamar Faculty Chair, invites members of the Tamar Faculty to a discussion, over dinner, on the new RCGP manifesto. This will be the opportunity for you to discuss the manifesto, have your voice heard, and your thoughts fed back to Kamila Hawthorne, RCGP Chair.

  • Date

    18 July 2024
  • Start time

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Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

  • Date

    24 July 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Effective out of hours training | part 3: laboratory results, palliative care and telephone triage

This four-part online course is aimed at GP Trainees and GPs new to out of hours, working towards their urgent and unscheduled care competencies and GPs wanting to start or return to out of hours work.

  • Date

    25 July 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Effective out of hours training | part 4 sepsis, mental health and challenging situations

This four-part online course is aimed at GP Trainees and GPs new to out of hours, working towards their urgent and unscheduled care competencies and GPs wanting to start or return to out of hours work.

  • Date

    30 July 2024
  • Start time

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Lipid management in diabetes: statins and beyond | EWS

This webinar will focus on the increased prevalence of measles among the UK's paediatric population and the underlying causal factors. It will encompass the typical course of the disease, including its common manifestations, diagnostic signs, symptoms, and management recommendations. This is followed by a look at the complications that may ensue, both in otherwise healthy children and those with chronic health conditions.

  • Date

    24 September 2024
  • Start time

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Prevention of adult not brought to appointment

This work by Learning Disability Network, Reasonable Adjustment Campaign is a strategy that supports the multiagency identification, recognition, documentation and mitigation of adults missing appointments who do not have capacity or capability to bring themselves.

  • Date

    25 September 2024
  • Start time

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Rescue yourself from Overthinking

Overthinking is a habit which we cultivate to feel safe. Join the Resilient Practice team to break this habit. We will show you how to achieve a mindful state, how to observe your thoughts and challenge distorted thinking, and how to reframe negative core-beliefs.

  • Date

    25 September 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



First5 Bytesize: Appraisal Made Easy

Join us for an afternoon of getting the most from your appraisal. We look at tips on how you should prepare, how appraisal has changed since covid, toolkits and much more. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of the speaker who has been an appraisal lead for NHS England and NHS Improvement North West since 2008. This event is aimed at new GPs, however, all GPs welcome to attend this event.

  • Date

    27 September 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left
