Equality and diversity: Pregnancy and maternity

We recognise that pregnancy and maternity can be both a daunting and exciting time. With women now making up the majority of our membership we want to give you the best support and have created elearning resources and a GP community to help with this.

A parent and child talking to a doctor

As a College we want to create an atmosphere where every member feels able to contribute and be heard. Our e-learning resources allow our members to provide the best possible care for pregnant patients. We are currently reinvigorating our GP parent community, if you would like to get more involved please get in touch. 

Here you can read community stories, tell us your own story, and find helpful resources to develop your learning.

Headshot of Dr Nish Manek from the shoulders up smiling
Nish Manek

Dr Nish Manek is a GP registrar and Health Education England Leadership Fellow. She founded and runs the national Next Generation GP programme, which has trained over 2,150 young GP leaders. Nish was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to GP leadership in the 2018 Queen’s Birthday Honours.

“I’ve felt proud to work in an increasingly female-dominated specialty, and this demographic shift will only continue. For me, as a relatively new mum, I hope that general practice can maintain its reputation for being a family friendly career going forwards.

“Lots of young GPs I know worry about balancing childcare with the long days in practice, and I think we risk losing a lot of excellent colleagues if we don’t think about how to create a more flexible work pattern. This flexibility can be a huge asset to the profession, and if we think carefully about how to combine this with meeting the needs of our patients, we can be an example to other specialties in terms of recruitment and retention. The shift to remote working in recent months could also help with new job plans that allow parents to also be present in the way they wish to at home, whilst still maintaining sufficient access for patients.”

Dr Kanchan Ghimire

Dr Kanchan Ghimire, a GP trainee based in Huddersfield, shares her own journey through motherhood as she supports patients navigating pregnancy and maternity. 

Dr Aziza Sesay

Dr Aziza Sesay is a GP, educator, honorary senior clinical lecturer, and health content creator based in the West Midlands. She shares her own experiences as a mother and the importance of breaking the stigma of mental health.