Sexual and reproductive health
Letter to Steve Brine (2018)
Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard wrote to Steve Brine about sexual and reproductive healthcare services. The college's letter outlined the "disrupted, disconnected and ultimately disappointing experiences for patients" when accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare services in England.
Report on sexual and reproductive health services in the UK (2017)
We have found that there are significant obstacles preventing GPs from delivering the truly patient centred service that they aspire to. The report identifies these key areas and makes recommendations as a result of its findings. This report is endorsed by the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare.
Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry into Female Genital Mutilation (2014)
On the 18 of February the RCGP submitted written evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry into female genital mutilation (FGM).
The inquiry was launched on the 18 December 2013. This was to shed light on the effectiveness of the current legislation surrounding FGM. It also considered what more could be done to both combat FGM and raise awareness of its prevalence.
The role of the GP in maternity care (2010 and 2017)
In 2010, representatives of the RCGP, Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) met to develop a consensus statement on the role of the GP in maternity care. Informed by the findings of a 2009 discussion paper published by The King’s Fund, the three Colleges agreed that GPs have an important role in maternity care, and those who wish to provide the care must maintain competence. In all other circumstances collaboration and communication between all members of the maternity team is crucial in delivering woman-centred care.
Following the publication of a number of key reports, including the NHS England Maternity Review, in 2017 the RCGP reviewed and revised the consensus statement with support from key stakeholders. The resulting position statement recognises the challenges associated with GPs providing maternity care and recommends appropriate training and continued education to support the delivery of safe care.
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