RCGP resources
External resources
- NHS England, Next steps for integrating primary care: Fuller stocktake report
- Good for you, good for us, good for everybody: a plan to reduce overprescribing to make patient care better and safer, support the NHS, and reduce carbon emissions (publishing.service.gov.uk) (external PDF)
- British Geriatrics Society: Anticipatory care blog series
- Polypharmacy: Getting our medicines right (rpharms.com)
- British Geriatrics Society: Silver book II: Quality urgent care for older people
- NHS: Acute frailty Network
- British Geriatrics Society: Scottish care of older people, (scoop) project
- British Geriatrics Society: Right time, right place: Urgent community-based care for older people
- British Geriatrics Society: End of life care in frailty
- Healthcare Improvement Scotland (iHub): frailty improvement programme