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Introduction and overview of GPwER in frailty

Outlining the purpose of this framework and who may find it useful, and thanks to those who helped in the development of the framework.

This framework signposts to external (non-RCGP) resources. While these are considered relevant to the extended role by the framework authors, their reference within the framework does not amount to an endorsement by the RCGP. Before committing yourself to a course, please check with providers to assure yourselves with regards to the financial interests of authors and other contributors, using Who pays this doctorCompanies House and other relevant sources of information.


This framework provides guidance for GPs who identify with providing - or an ambition to provide - care beyond that expected of every GP. You may already have a special interest in frailty and complex care from roles before CCT or developed an interest since becoming a GP. Alternatively, you may want to vary your career and expand your portfolio to offer this as a service or be employed to provide frailty care for a commissioned service. If you are already acting as a frailty GP, this framework offers a benchmark and recommendations for professional development with suggestions for further progression.

As well as guiding GPs who wish to enhance their role in frailty and complex care, the framework aims to support appraisers in interpreting supporting information presented to them from GPs in this type of role, and potentially help employers to create relevant role descriptions.

The role described in this framework, which we refer to as a “Frailty GPwER” hereafter, is delivered within a complex care model. This is a type of healthcare and support given to people who have chronic or long-term health conditions characterised by an interdisciplinary and person-centred approach.

It is recognised that several variations of this role are likely to exist, each designed around local health population needs. Therefore, the framework does not seek to establish a rigid uniform model, rather it offers guidance around ‘good practice’ that we hope is practically helpful and universally relevant.

The framework should be read in conjunction with the RCGP Guide to Clinical Extended Roles.


We would particularly like to thank Dr Deb Gompertz for her work in support of the development of this framework. We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the task and finish group:

  • Dr Holly Paris
  • Dr Tessa Lewis
  • Dr Andrew Wheeler
  • Dr Philly O’Riordan
  • Dr Tara Verity
  • Dr Lloyd Hughes
  • Dr Alistair Robertson

With additional input from the RCGP Professional Standards Working Group. The final guide is solely the responsibility and copyright of the RCGP.

Declarations of interests by authors

Dr Deb Gompertz

  • Honorary Deputy Secretary, British Geriatric Society;
  • National Association primary care occasionally speaker about integrated neighbourhood teams.

Dr Philly O'Riordan

  • Co-chair of the Community and Primary Care Group of the British Geriatric Society

Dr Holly Paris

  • Co-chair of the Community and Primary Care Group of the British Geriatric Society;
  • NHS Digital Health Leadership Programme (Cohort 7);
  • Frailty GP and Care Home Service Lead, Pier Health Group.

Dr Lloyd Huges

Dr Tessa Lewis

  • Medical Adviser (currently to All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Centre);
  • NICE Guideline Chair for Managing Common Infections, Pneumonia update - honorarium for attendance & travel expenses;
  • NICE Indicators Advisory Committee member honorarium/expenses paid;
  • Presentation inc. 2024 BMJ Masterclass webinar on antimicrobial stewardship, honorarium received.

Dr Al Robertson

  • Nothing to declare

Framework review

The date the framework was last reviewed or created, and when it's due for review. If you notice any inaccuracies in the framework, or have comments or suggestions on any of the content, please let the professional standards team know by emailing

Approved framework

Date the framework was approved: July 2023

Next review

Date for next review: July 2026