RCGP endorsements programme

The RCGP runs a programme for the endorsement of external stakeholder documents and projects. To demonstrate the College's alignment with the work, this programme gives organisations the opportunity to apply for RCGP endorsement of their work. Which may include:

  • policies
  • publications
  • or other activities.

The College has a strict endorsement policy and will only approve endorsements on these grounds. Please see the College's endorsement policy (PDF file, 446 KB) for further details on endorsement criteria and levels of endorsement.

If your organisation would like to apply for RCGP endorsement, please complete the endorsement application form and send it, along with a final version of the activity seeking publication, to endorsements@rcgp.org.uk.

The Honorary Secretary of the College has the authority to approve or refuse an endorsement application. This means that under no circumstances is endorsement automatically granted. Even if an RCGP College Representative was involved in the development of the final output.

The duration of RCGP endorsement, apart from activities which are co-authored, will only be granted for three years. After this time period has expired, re-endorsement will need to be sought through the endorsements team. Please see the endorsements policy (PDF file, 438 KB) for more information.

For reference, the RCGP hosts and owns the Personalised Care Institute (PCI), which offers an accreditation service. For more information about PCI accreditation, please refer to the contact page on the PCI website or email the PCI team directly at accreditation@personalisedcareinstitute.org.uk.

If you have any questions or queries about RCGP endorsement, please contact endorsements@rcgp.org.uk.