Nursing (archived)

This competency framework addresses the common core competencies and the broader range of skills, knowledge and behaviours a nurse needs to be a fully proficient General Practice Nurse (GPN). Recognising that these competencies may take time to develop and consolidate fully, progress will vary according to the working context and the individual.

It is recognised that novice GPNs may already have significant nursing capability in other fields. However, the broad remit of the GPN role encompasses many areas of care provision that have yet to be encountered by the new entrant.

It is also acknowledged that some nurses may become experts in a more specialist area of care in their practice. However, all should ensure they achieve and maintain a minimum level of competency across all areas of the generalist role.

The format of this document aligns the competencies with the National Health Service's Knowledge and Skills Framework (DoH 2004).

This has resulted in specific competencies seeming to overlap with or be equally appropriate to dimensions other than the one in which they are included. The document assumes an entry point to level 5 (newly registered nurse), progressing to level 6 and, in some instances, level 7 as expert specialist proficiency is achieved.

Advance practice nursing