West Scotland Faculty

Welcome from West Scotland Faculty. We are a group of volunteer RCGP members who provide local networking, education and support for members in the area. We cover Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Arran, Forth Valley and Dumfries and Galloway, supporting over 2000 RCGP members and their peers. As a Faculty, we have a particular interest in supporting our members' CPD and professional development and provide a range of education courses, tailored to local needs, as well as a number of bursaries and awards to support and recognise innovation and development.

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06 August 2024

Emotional Intelligence at the Reception and Front Line Complaint Handling

Join RCGP Scotland for this training by Dr Val McGarrell, for all non-clinical staff in GP Practices. The training aims to upskill frontline colleagues to build resilience and empathy when dealing with difficult situations and patient complaints at the GP reception, and more.

24 August 2024

Manchester Pride 2024

We are excited to announce that the RCGP has once again been selected to have an official presence at the Manchester Pride Parade on Saturday 24th August 2024. Join RCGP and walk with us in the parade. Register now for your free parade wristbands! It is such an amazing atmosphere to be part of the parade and a day to remember. If the sun is shining it 'could' possible be better than Liverpool's Eurovision! 'Could'!! Everyone is welcome to join us, GPs, team members, patients, friends, family, EVERYONE. You don't have to be LGBTQ+, you just need to support!

06 September 2024

Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

10 September 2024

Discovering the potential of General Practice

Join us for our first-ever all-Scotland trainee and early career conference, aiming to boost your connection to the College as your professional home, and feeling energised and enthused about your future as a GP. During the morning you will hear from the RCGP Scotland Chair, Dr Chris Provan with various breakout sessions in the afternoon covering topics such as leadership, sustainability, mentoring, policy and health inequalities.

Next board meeting

The 2024 Faculty Board meetings are scheduled to take place online on: 

  • Thursday 22 February
  • Thursday 13 June
  • Thursday 12 September 
  • Thursday 14 November 2024.

RCGP Annual Conference

The Faculty offers bursaries to attend the RCGP Annual Conference – please contact the Faculty for more information.

The 2023 winners are Zainab Alani, Marina Politis, Akram Hussain, Rebecca Cunningham, Gaurav Batra and Nichola McComb.

Deep End International Conference 

The Faculty offers bursaries to attend the Deep End International Conference please contact the Faculty for more information. The 2024 winners are Dr Safiya Dhanani, Dr Lyndsay Stevenson, Dr Sharmella Summan, Dr Shona Mackinnon, Sophie McPake and Abbie Simpson.

Awards and prizes

We organise several awards and prizes each year in recognition of the hard work and dedication of those working in general practice locally:

  • The West Scotland COMET Elective Poster Prize, awarded to the University of Glasgow COMET student who has scored the highest in their summer elective in primary care poster assessment, was presented to Morna Campbell in 2023.
  • The West Scotland Quality Improvement Prize, awarded to the University of Glasgow medical student who has scored the highest in their Quality Improvement Project for the Year 3 Junior GP block in the preceding twelve months, was presented to Ashley Flynn in 2023.
  • The GP SSC Prize, awarded to the University of Glasgow medical student who has scored the highest in their GP SSC assessment, was presented to Georgia Smith and Anna de Natale for their 2022/23 submissions. 
  • The James Scobbie Award commemorates the professional career of Dr James Scobbie. It awards the West Scotland trainee who has scored the highest in their Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) in the preceding twelve months, and was presented to Dr Michael Lawson in 2023.
  • The Stuart Murray Prize recognises the contribution of Professor Stuart Murray to general practice education in West Scotland. It awards the West of Scotland trainee who has scored the highest in their Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) in the preceding twelve months, and was presented to Dr Fiona Mackenzie in 2023.

For more RCGP awards and prizes information, please visit our dedicated awards page or contact the West Scotland Faculty

Meet your faculty

Faculty Officers

Dr Michael Blackmore, Chair

  • Dr Sharon Russell – Provost and LCARM Rep
  • Dr Monica McGeough – Honorary Secretary
  • Dr Mary Anne Burrow – Vice Chair, UK Council Rep
  • Dr Issmael Fergague – Honorary Treasurer

Faculty Board Members

  • Dr Chris McHugh – Scottish Council Deputy Rep and UK Council Deputy Rep
  • Dr Akram Hussain – Education Lead and AiT Rep
  • Dr James Morton – Climate & Sustainability Rep
  • Dr Oyekunle Solomon Oke – Scottish Council Rep
  • Dr Fiona Stark – F5 Joint Lead
  • Dr Diya Mathew – F5 Joint Lead
  • Dr Susan Thornborrow
  • Dr Lynsey Yeoman
  • Dr Susan Gibson-Smith
  • Professor Frances Mair
  • Dr Precious Osadolor
  • Dr Gorkem Hamali – Scottish Council Rep
  • Stella Macpherson – Lay Rep
  • Elaine Deary - Practice Manager Rep

Contact us

Telephone: 020 3188 7797
Email: wscotland@rcgp.org.uk

Your Faculty Support Officer is Diana Lints.

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GP jobs in Scotland