RCGP news


01 May 2023

Urgent action needed to support family doctor services

The College has issued the following response to figures from the House of Commons Library showing that each GP in England saw an average 8,534 patients last year – up from 8,351 in 2019.

28 April 2023

Time with patients is a commodity in short supply - College Chair explains in the Daily Mirror

RCGP Chair Professor Kamila Hawthorne has authored an opinion piece for the Daily Mirror, explaining the challenging situation facing UK general practice.

27 April 2023

Spring offers no let-up for GPs and their teams - our workload remains unsustainable, says College Chair

NHS GP workforce and workload data for March shows unsustainable pressure will continue into spring.

27 April 2023

Medicines sold on social media pose a ‘genuine threat’ to patient safety - College Chair

College Chair warns of risks of buying medicine without a prescription on social media.

25 April 2023

GPs need more time with patients – but short appointments aren’t always inappropriate

Response to analysis of GP consultation length by the Lib Dems, published today, Professor Kamila Hawthorne, Chair of the Royal College of GPs.

21 April 2023

Waiting times not the fault of hard-working GPs - we work tirelessly to give patients the choice of appointment they want, says College Chair

RCGP Chair Professor Kamila Hawthorne responds to Wes Streeting’s claims that too many patients are waiting for more than a fortnight for a GP appointment.

18 April 2023

College responds to Labour’s 2023 local election pledge

Response to Labour’s 2023 Local Election pledge to end the ‘postcode lottery’ for GP appointments.

12 April 2023

We need more GPs and less box-ticking, College Chair tells New Statesman

RCGP Chair Professor Kamila Hawthorne spoke to The New Statesman about her career and her aspirations for general practice in the UK.

07 April 2023

NHS will collapse without general practice, says RCGP Chair

Professor Kamila Hawthorne, RCGP Chair, responds to a report from the Office for National Statistics on the impact of winter pressures.