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WPBA: Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ)

The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) provides patient feedback on your empathy and relationship-building skills during consultations.

It is completed once in ST3 and it recommended you do this after the mid-way point of your time in ST3.

Patients are requested to complete the questionnaire after their consultation and are asked 9 questions. Each question has 5 options for them to choose from. It is worth familiarising yourself with the questions before starting the PSQ process.

You may have to remind patients to complete the questionnaire after their consultation and hand in the completed form before they leave the surgery as it can sometimes be a challenge to get sufficient responses. Alternatively, you can send the questionnaire to them through a messaging service at the practice, but please make sure the message is not signed by you, instead it should come from the team. This is to avoid the patient thinking that the feedback is going direct to you from them.

How to complete the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire

  1. Log into your Portfolio and click on ‘Patient Feedback’.
  2. Complete the self-assessment (this is the score that you would give yourself for each question).
  3. There are several ways to complete the assessment, either by sending the patient a link to complete the questionnaire online from your Portfolio or downloading the form and printing it off. We would recommend the form is sent electronically especially as so many consultations are now done over the telephone (it is acceptable to complete the assessment following telephone consultations in addition to face-to-face consulting).
  4. If you are planning on using paper copies of the questionnaire, give these to the receptionist to hand out to patients before they come to see you. If you do not have a receptionist to do this, then please look at alternative options. You should not be handing questionnaires to patients.
  5. The completed questionnaires should be handed back at reception or left in a sealed box in reception. The forms should not be handed to you.
  6. Once you have more than 34 responses, the data will need to be entered into the Portfolio. This should not be done by you. Please discuss this with your practice manager as usually an administrative member of staff will complete this on your behalf.
  7. Once more than 34 responses have been entered into your Portfolio, you will be able to close the PSQ.
  8. Your Educational Supervisor will receive a notification that the PSQ has been completed. They will review the results and comments and will add their own comments and feedback in the Portfolio.
  9. You should arrange a meeting to discuss the PSQ with your ES.
  10. If your scores are significantly below the average of your peers, then it would be appropriate to repeat the PSQ at a later date to demonstrate progress.

Download the form


Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) FAQs

You will need to complete one PSQ during ST3.

You need at least 34 responses in a PSQ.

Collecting the data

There are several ways to do this. From your Portfolio you can send the patient a link to complete the questionnaire online or you can download a paper copy and ask your reception staff to hand out the questionnaire to patients.

A number count is displayed on the survey page in the Portfolio so you know how many electronic forms have been returned.

How do I close the PSQ once there are 34 electronic responses?

You will receive an email notification when you have obtained the minimum of 34 responses, this is when you can close the survey. To close the PSQ, go to your survey and click "close survey" in the "your progress" section. This will send the PSQ results to your supervisor for analysis.

The paper forms should be collected by an administrator (not yourself). You will need to invite an administrator to enter the data to the Portfolio. To invite an administrator, go to your survey and scroll to the bottom of the page, where you will see the section for printed forms. There are instructions explaining how the paper forms can be uploaded to the system. You can email the instructions to an administrator who will be able to add the PSQ forms for you using the provided ID and password.

Yes, your administrator will be able to add these for you. Please see "How are the paper forms uploaded?" for information about how your administrator can upload the paper forms. Any forms uploaded by an administrator will be added to the questionnaires completed electronically.

Once you have closed your PSQ, the results will be released to your Supervisor. They will then be able to review the results, comment on these and release them to you.

Page last updated: 15 December 2022