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Introducing the AKT

About the AKT

Candidates have 3 hours and 10 minutes to answer 200 questions. The questions are approximately:

  • 80% on clinical knowledge
  • 10% on evidence-based practice (including evidence interpretation and the critical appraisal skills needed to interpret research data)
  • 10% on primary care organisation and management issues (including administrative, ethical, regulatory and statutory frameworks)

All questions address issues relating to UK general practice. They focus on higher order problem-solving rather than the recall of basic facts.

The GP Curriculum gives an overview of the topics you should be aware of for the AKT.

Who can take the AKT?

You can take the AKT during or after the ST2 stage of GP training.

A maximum of four attempts is allowed if you were already in training on 1 August 2023.

A maximum of six attempts is allowed if you entered GP Speciality Training for the first time on or after 2 August 2023.

Dates for applications, exams and results

For dates of application review the AKT section of the MRCGP exam applications page.