Access the RCGP eLibrary

Information for members

Members of the RCGP have exclusive access to our online eLibrary with remote access to an unparalleled collection of resources designed to support:

  • general practitioners
  • trainees
  • researchers in primary care.

Access the RCGP e-Library to watch our e-resources training video and browse the collection (a login is required). For the small print collection email the library for more information.

More on the eLibrary

Our dedicated RCGP Discovery Tool searches the Medline database with over 21.6 million records, giving easy access to full text. 

It also includes all our specifically selected primary care e-journals and ebooks. 

Look out for more digital library services including advance searching for literature. Meanwhile, email the library for more information

The physical library 

The RCGP holds a small physical collection.  The majority of this can be viewed online - see above details on the eLibrary.


Non-members can search the RCGP Discovery Service.  This is a Google-like search which allows you to search and see what is available from the RCGP Library. However, only members can open and view the results by entering their RCGP username and password.

Contact the librarian

Telephone: 020 3188 7555