Training requirements for practice or organisational safeguarding lead
Annually: Safeguarding update
This can include:
- Relevant local safeguarding courses/updates provided by safeguarding boards/partnerships, primary care safeguarding teams such as Named GPs/Nurses, ICBs, health authorities/boards
- Relevant safeguarding updates/courses provided by national bodies
Annually: Safeguarding forums
- Demonstrate regular attendance at local practice safeguarding lead forums (if available in the locality)
Annually: Reflection and learning
Should include:
- Demonstrate an example of reflection / learning aligned with the practice/organisational role specific knowledge and capabilities
- Can include case review, significant event analysis, supporting a colleague with a safeguarding case, provision of advice and guidance to a colleague, liaison with external safeguarding professionals about a case, learning from practice safeguarding lead forums, implementation of a change in practice regarding a safeguarding issue
About the practice safeguarding lead
Person specifics
- Should be a clinician within the practice/organisation (as the structure of primary care evolves, so will the role of a practice safeguarding lead e.g. PCN safeguarding lead)
- Should have at least 3 years’ experience (post qualifying) working as a clinician in a role which requires RCGP Level 3 safeguarding training
- Should have the appropriate authority to be able to affect change within the practice/organisation, including reviewing any significant events and implementing change, challenging poor safeguarding practice
- Should have protected time to carry out their safeguarding role including time to attend local practice safeguarding lead forums and time for any additional training required
- Should have support within the practice
- Should have a peer support group / be part of a community of practice to support the calibration of their decision-making and their own wellbeing
Role-specific knowledge and capabilities
These are in addition to Level 3 knowledge, skills and capabilities.
- Awareness of best practice in safeguarding legislation, information sharing, information governance, confidentiality and consent including guidance from professional bodies
- Understand own organisational structures/arrangement to be able to challenge and advocate within policies, procedures and practice for safeguarding
- Awareness of local safeguarding procedures, including escalation processes
- Support safeguarding activity within the practice/organisation including reflective practice
- Show safeguarding leadership in embedding safeguarding practice and ethos
- Provide some safeguarding training within the practice/organisation
- Act as a point of reference within the practice/organisation to provide advice and guidance regarding safeguarding issues for staff
- Work closely with the practice/organisational Caldicott Guardian when there are difficult or complex issues regarding information sharing
- Be able to implement and oversee (as relevant to role) system changes that are needed in light of any learning from significant safeguarding events or reviews
- Ensure that local safeguarding professional contacts and referral pathways are up-to-date, visible and easily accessible within the practice for all staff, including locums, temporary staff, students and volunteers
- Ensure practice/organisation safeguarding policies and procedures are in place and up to date
- Lead/oversee safeguarding quality assurance and improvement processes, such as audits, review of safeguarding practice, case discussion and reflection
- Be able to contribute to multi-agency audits, statutory inspections and reviews
- Work closely with the practice manager to champion good practice in safeguarding throughout the practice/organisation as well challenging poor safeguarding practice