Courses and events

We provide a wide range of high-quality online events to support our members' continuing professional development. Topics cover a broad range of clinical, wellbeing and developmental themes for GPs at all stages of their career.




Protecting your business

Do you own a business/thinking of starting your own? We're hosting a webinar to support GPs and practices to protect their business and livelihood. Giving key tips, think about protecting yourself including why it is so important, how to protect people/assets and how to future proof your business.

  • Date

    04 December 2024
  • Start time

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An introduction to speaking publicly or via the media for GPs

Giving you the power to say what you want to say and to say it well. This is the world of the soundbite, the app, the tweet, the word cloud. It’s a world of 24-hour rolling news... of vox pops, webcasts and video clips. In business today, you are expected to be able to communicate quickly and simply: » to hit the right note » to come across well » to create memory. Whether it’s talking via broadcast or narrowcast TV, on radio, to the press, or presenting to an audience – live or virtual – the right preparation gives you the power to say what you want to say and to say it well.

  • Date

    08 January 2025
  • Start time

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How to Manifest Success

We all hope for success in our endeavours, but what does success really mean? Join the Resilient Practice team for an introduction to the concept of the Universal Law of Manifestation and learn how to use it for yourself.

  • Date

    22 January 2025
  • Start time

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