Courses and events

We provide a wide range of high-quality online events to support our members' continuing professional development. Topics cover a broad range of clinical, wellbeing and developmental themes for GPs at all stages of their career.


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St George Hotel, Llandudno

North Wales First5 Meeting

Having completed your training, the next step awaits! Led by Dr Hayley Jones, the North Wales Faculty First5 Lead, this informal learning event is tailored for First5s. The group aims to offer peer support, facilitate valuable evening events for career progression, provide complimentary learning opportunities, and create a platform for networking. The evening begins with a complimentary meal, followed by a topical speaker.

  • Date

    26 September 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Kingsknowes Hotel

Meet and Connect | Borders

We know how important connecting with peers is, especially as you navigate training, the first five years of practice and throughout your career. RCGP South East Scotland members from across the Scottish Borders are invited to attend an in-person networking event, to meet and connect with other GPs from across the region.

  • Date

    26 September 2024
  • Start time

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First5 Bytesize: Appraisal Made Easy

Join us for an afternoon of getting the most from your appraisal. We look at tips on how you should prepare, how appraisal has changed since covid, toolkits and much more. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of the speaker who has been an appraisal lead for NHS England and NHS Improvement North West since 2008. This event is aimed at new GPs, however, all GPs welcome to attend this event.

  • Date

    27 September 2024
  • Start time

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Liverpool Delta Marriott

RCGP Early Careers Pre-Conference 2024

Open to all GPs in their first ten years post CCT. This free half-day event hosted by the RCGP is tailored to provide invaluable support during the crucial early phases of your career. The pre-conference kicks off at 12 noon with registration, lunch, refreshments, and a chance to network with colleagues ahead of the RCGP National conference. You do not need to be attending the RCGP Annual Conference to attend this free pre-conference event.

  • Date

    02 October 2024
  • Start time

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Balbirnie House, Glenrothes

Meet and Connect | Fife

We know how important connecting with peers is, especially as you navigate training, the first five years of practice and throughout your career. RCGP South East Scotland members from across Fife are invited to attend an in-person networking event, to meet and connect with other GPs from across the region.

  • Date

    03 October 2024
  • Start time

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The Imperial Hotel

RCGP North Wales Faculty - Welcome to the College

We invite you to join us for an engaging evening to learn about the role of the RCGP in your training journey. The evening will begin with registration and drinks, providing an opportunity to chat with fellow trainees. Dr Claire Campbell (RCGP Wales Vice Chair), Dr Hayley Jones (RCGP North Wales Faculty First5 Lead and Programme Director), and Dr Declan Dudley (RCGP Wales AiT Committee Chair) will offer an introduction followed by a complimentary buffet and refreshments.

  • Date

    15 October 2024
  • Start time

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East Street Lanes

Strike and savour: an evening out for GP registrars and First5s

The Faculty First5 Lead Dr Ebrahim Mulla and GP Registrar Reps Dr Chris Tharakan and Dr Vidya Hegde would like to invite GP Registrar and First5 members to join us for a bowling game at East Street Lanes in Leicester on Friday 18 October 2024. Come along to meet up with peers for a bowling game!

  • Date

    18 October 2024
  • Start time

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How to say NO!

Are you always taking on too much? Are there times when you know you should have said no? Join us for tips and advice on of to learn this skill and make your life and time easier.

  • Date

    06 November 2024
  • Start time

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Active Bystander Training

This event focuses on challenging inappropriate workplace behaviours from patients and colleagues and will give you the tools needed to be able to do this confidently. Witnessing verbal and physical abuse, discrimination, racism and micro-aggression effects everyone! This event has been developed to support ALL members of the Primary Care Team and we welcome anyone who works in a primary care setting to this event.

  • Date

    08 November 2024
  • Start time

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