Courses and events

We provide a wide range of high-quality online events to support our members' continuing professional development. Topics cover a broad range of clinical, wellbeing and developmental themes for GPs at all stages of their career.



Online via Zoom

RCGP Wales - SCA Exam: Half-Day Preparation Course, 20 November PM

This is a short, intensive half-day course delivered by experienced SCA examiners. Focusing on the consulting skills which are most likely to improve your performance in the SCA exam.

  • Date

    20 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Learn and Connect: Cumbria Skin Club

All GPs have training in dermatology at some point in their career but it is always good to have a refresher session with a dermatology expert from time to time. For this session Dr Raza, a GP with a special interest in dermatology and a skin cancer lead for East Lancashire, will be looking at some of the common mistakes we often make and reminding us of all things derma in general practice.

  • Date

    20 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Learn and Connect: Cumbria AiT support session

During this support session we will be chatting with a current RCGP examiner and a former RCGP examiner. This informal Q&A session will allow you to ask questions about the RCGP exams, what to expect, how you should prepare and what you need to be doing NOW to help you with the process.

  • Date

    20 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Cumbria Annual Branston Evening

The Cumbria Annual Branston evening is our time to celebrate all things GP in the Cumbria region. This year we will hear from the renowned speaker Prof Lucy Easthorpe and the very experienced Dr Peter Howarth.

  • Date

    20 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



The RCGP 1-day SCA preparation course

This open to all one-day training course aims to improve your consultation skills and as a result pass your SCA. The course offers interactive sessions with experienced trainers and examiners.

  • Date

    28 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


30 Euston Square

James Mackenzie Lecture & Dinner

Join us at 30 Euston Square for our 2024 James Mackenzie Lecture with Professor Kamlesh Khunti CBE, FRCGP

  • Date

    29 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Online via Microsoft Teams

RCGP Wales - Practice Manager - Managing Conflict in the Practice Team

This half-day course is an interactive and enjoyable session, suitable for Practice Managers. It is only open to those working in Wales.

  • Date

    03 December 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Child & adult safeguarding: level 3 | Online - 10 December 2024

This RCGP Level 3 safeguarding course is for any GP practising in England. As GPs, we care for both children and adults and the course reflects this, covering child and adult safeguarding topics – individually and jointly. The course will be based around practical considerations for busy frontline GPs. There will be plenty of time for questions throughout the day. CPD Points: includes 4 hours of child safeguarding and 4 hours of adult safeguarding.

  • Date

    10 December 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Online via Zoom

RCGP Wales - SCA Exam: Half-Day Preparation Course, 11 December AM

This is a short, intensive half-day course delivered by experienced SCA examiners. Focusing on the consulting skills which are most likely to improve your performance in the SCA exam.

  • Date

    11 December 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left
