Courses and events

We provide a wide range of high-quality online events to support our members' continuing professional development. Topics cover a broad range of clinical, wellbeing and developmental themes for GPs at all stages of their career.



Ramada Plaza Wrexham

RCGP Wales - 2-Day Minor Surgery Course (with DOPS)

This highly practical 2 day Minor Surgery Course is for primary care clinicians who would like to develop or improve their surgical skills, whilst learning to provide a safe, effective and modern community Minor Surgery service. The training is suitable for all skill levels, from novice to expert. The event begins with a series of succinct and entertaining lectures where we cover practical tips, useful advice, and all the key safety information you need. We also include step-by-step guidance around the practicalities of setting up your own service including the nuances of delivering minor surgery within the community. This is followed by supervised hands-on practice for the remainder of the two days.

  • Date

    07 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

  • Date

    08 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Active Bystander Training

This event focuses on challenging inappropriate workplace behaviours from patients and colleagues and will give you the tools needed to be able to do this confidently. Witnessing verbal and physical abuse, discrimination, racism and micro-aggression effects everyone! This event has been developed to support ALL members of the Primary Care Team and we welcome anyone who works in a primary care setting to this event.

  • Date

    08 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


The Imperial Hotel

RCGP North Wales Faculty - AGM & Board meeting

Our Faculty Board meets four times a year (February, June, September and November) primarily via virtual sessions. It's comprised of GP volunteers, lay representatives and members from local groups such as First5 and AiTs. We depend on the active involvement of volunteers to contribute their insight, relay information from local groups and help shape the future of general practice through the North Wales Faculty Board. This board also plays a vital role in representing local perspectives and RCGP Wales and RCGP council meetings, where input from grassroots GPs is highly valued. We are eager to encourage local GPs to join the board and actively practice in it's work.

  • Date

    12 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Annual General Meeting 2024

Join us for your AGM 2024 - Hybrid format, both in person at 30 Euston Square and Online

  • Date

    13 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Village Hotel, Swansea

RCGP South West Wales Faculty - AGM and Board meeting

Our Faculty Board meets four times a year (February, June, September and November) primarily via virtual sessions. It's comprised of GP volunteers, lay representatives and members from local groups such as First5 and AiTs. We depend on the active involvement of volunteers to contribute their insight, relay information from local groups and help shape the future of general practice through the Soth West Wales Faculty Board. This board also plays a vital role in representing local perspectives and RCGP Wales and RCGP council meetings, where input from grassroots GPs is highly valued. We are eager to encourage local GPs to join the board and actively practice in it's work.

  • Date

    14 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Books on Prescription - how reading can support better patient outcomes

Join us for this FREE webinar covering how GPs can use this evidence-based resource to support their patients, providing practical strategies and techniques you can use in your day-to-day practice.

  • Date

    19 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Village Hotel, Cardiff

RCGP South East Wales Faculty - AGM and Board meeting

Our Faculty Board meets four times a year (February, June, September and November) primarily via virtual sessions. It's comprised of GP volunteers, lay representatives and members from local groups such as First5 and AiTs. We depend on the active involvement of volunteers to contribute their insight, relay information from local groups and help shape the future of general practice through the Soth East Wales Faculty Board. This board also plays a vital role in representing local perspectives and RCGP Wales and RCGP council meetings, where input from grassroots GPs is highly valued. We are eager to encourage local GPs to join the board and actively practice in it's work.

  • Date

    19 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Online via Zoom

RCGP Wales - SCA Exam: Half-Day Preparation Course, 20 November AM

This is a short, intensive half-day course delivered by experienced SCA examiners. Focusing on the consulting skills which are most likely to improve your performance in the SCA exam.

  • Date

    20 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left
