Courses and events

We provide a wide range of high-quality online events to support our members' continuing professional development. Topics cover a broad range of clinical, wellbeing and developmental themes for GPs at all stages of their career.



ST1 Welcome to the College - East & South England

The RCGP Faculties in East and South England are offering this afternoon webinar to all their trainees who started their first year of GP training (ST1s) as of August 2024. This webinar will offer trainee GPs the opportunity to find out more about the RCGP, get to know the RCGP Officers and meet with members of their local Faculty Board.

  • Date

    09 October 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



SCA cases and panel discussion (free preparation webinar)

Join us for the concluding instalment of our two-part series of FREE webinars on the SCA exam, led by esteemed professionals Dr Roger Neighbour, Dr Robin Simpson, and Dr Jim Bartlett. With extensive experience as examiners and facilitators of successful SCA prep courses for the RCGP, they bring a wealth of knowledge to guide you through this crucial examination.

  • Date

    10 October 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Winchester Cathedral

South West New Members' and Fellows' Ceremony 2024 - Winchester

Join us for our New Members' and Fellows' ceremony held in the South West of England. These events are an opportunity for you to celebrate with friends, peers, and family the achievement of attaining membership of the College by completing the MRCGP, MRCGP[INT] OR MAP or achieving Fellowship of the College FRCGP.

  • Date

    12 October 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Killerton Estate

Apple pressing & nature connection with the National Trust

GP’s are invited to join the National Trust rangers at Killerton for a morning picking and pressing apples from one of the estate's historic orchards to produce their very own cider or juice. This will be followed by lunch and an informal discussion about ways in which local GPs can work with the Trust to improve the wellbeing of themselves and their patients.

  • Date

    23 October 2024
  • Start time

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AGM 2024 Members Briefing

Join us in for our Briefing Session for AGM 2024 - Online

  • Date

    30 October 2024
  • Start time

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Creative Writing - November 2024

Writing has been proven to boost your immune system and reduce stress. These stand-alone sessions will provide both engagement and escape, as you find words, voice and encouragement from others. These sessions will employ creative writing techniques and responses to texts, quotes and images to support your wellbeing.

  • Date

    04 November 2024
  • Start time

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How to say NO!

Are you always taking on too much? Are there times when you know you should have said no? Join us for tips and advice on of to learn this skill and make your life and time easier.

  • Date

    06 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left



Active Bystander Training

This event focuses on challenging inappropriate workplace behaviours from patients and colleagues and will give you the tools needed to be able to do this confidently. Witnessing verbal and physical abuse, discrimination, racism and micro-aggression effects everyone! This event has been developed to support ALL members of the Primary Care Team and we welcome anyone who works in a primary care setting to this event.

  • Date

    08 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left


Courtyard Exeter, Sandy Park

Tamar Faculty McConaghey Lecture & Annual Dinner 2024

Join the Tamar Faculty for its annual Lecture and member dinner. This year's lecture is given by Professor Richard Holland, Dean of University of Exeter Medical School

  • Date

    15 November 2024
  • Start time

  • Places left
