Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) member data

In this year’s report, we continue to focus on race, gender identity and age, in line with our 2020 to 2023 action plan. We also include a breakdown of the countries in which our members achieved their Primary Medical Qualification. We continue to share this data because representation within our Leadership boards is important and should reflect our wider membership. 

The data for this report was pulled on 31 January 2024, and accurate up to this date.  

Progress made

Reporting rates have increased across all characteristics by an average of 0.2 percentage points (pp).  

We now have 57% of women on Council and 56% of women in our membership. This shows huge progress in creating a more representative Council. 

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International Medical Graduate (IMG) representation on UK Council has increased from 10% to 25%. 

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Continued challenges

  1. Further effort could be made to diversify UK Council and improve representation of age, race and sexual orientation. 
  2. Members from White - British heritage are overrepresented within our Faculty Boards when compared to their local membership make-up.  
  3. There remains an overrepresentation of Council members from the age of 40 upwards and a significant underrepresentation of those from the age of 39 and under. 
  4. We have been able to collect more data on religion from our membership but need to increase declaration on this characteristic from our leadership bodies.

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Moving forward

From 2022 to 2023, progress was made in reducing disparities in data collection and reporting across various characteristics on all RCGP Councils, we recognise there is room for improvement on our Faculty Boards and we will work together to address these, whilst considering local demographics and nuances.

Member demographic data, including protected characteristics data, is drawn from the 'MyRCGP' portal and stored in the secure membership database accessed via Salesforce. Certain fields are collected at registration, this means that declaration rates will vary depending on the field. Going forward, we will develop our data capture and declaration, to achieve further clarity and representative reporting.

Although included in the report, data on disability does not accurately provide a full picture of our membership. Compared to data collected on other characteristics, completion rate for this field remains very low. For 2024 attention will be on outlining characteristics and a clarified definition of ‘disability’ to gather accurate data from our members.  

Our goal is to use data gathered from specific communities to address the issues they face and provide appropriate support. We will continue to investigate how we can encourage declaration of all current demographics. Doing this will allow us to focus more on parental/caring status, disability, neurodiversity and long-term health status, religion and sexual orientation. 

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