Learning disabilities group

A group of GPs and some invited representatives of other specialities from all over the UK with a special interest in improving the care and outcomes for people with a learning disability, by sharing knowledge, learning and experience both by regular meetings and WhatsApp group.

A group of RCGP members sitting in discussion

What the group does

The group has quarterly evening meetings using Microsoft Teams. The meetings usually have a range of speakers and discussion.

There is a lively WhatsApp group for sharing of learning, queries, policy etc.

The group regularly creates training opportunities through RCGP, in learning disability - ODE, evening webinar.

Group members provide input to NHSE learning disability team about the role of primary care in supporting people. Group members also provide insights to RCGP on caring for people with a learning disability.

RCGP learning disabilities resources

One Day Essential (ODE)

The RCGP runs One day essential meetings online and we contribute a list of topics, talks and support the delivery of the educational day

RCGP and other SIG interaction

The SIG also interacts with the other RCGP SIGs e.g. adolescent health, and other professional's SIGs e.g. physiotherapy and contributes to the RCGP conferences and other conferences if possible.

Regional and national work

  • Involvement in national discussions e.g. annual health checks, coding, reasonable adjustment flag
  • Involvement in the national learning disability senate
  • Using our roles and interest to influence at any level
  • Many of our group have PCN, ICB and academic roles, but this is not expected.

Group members

Kirsten Lamb is our Honorary Chair who has grown the group to 100+ members. Ella Baines is our Hon Secretary who will let you know about the three-monthly virtual meetings on a Thursday Evening 20-2130 co-chaired by Alison Tavare alison.tavare@nhs.net and Kathy Petersen katharine.petersen@nhs.net 

Steering group

We have a small informal steering group to ensure no one person is left with any onerous work in organising things like the meetings and the One day essential which is annual and virtual.

Umesh Chauhan brings expertise around Leder but will also send you the link to the virtual meetings and a recording of each if you are unable to attend on the day. We also have a Teams channel to share information, work in progress and finished pieces.

Please email Ella ellabaines@nhs.net with your full name, phone number, and job description so that she can connect you to the WhatsApp group. Once you have been added, you can introduce yourself to the rest of the group.

Connect with us 

If you are interested in joining the Learning Disability group or you would like more information, please contact us at advocates@rcgp.org.uk, and we will connect you with the appropriate person.