General practitioner expert witness group

The general practitioner expert witness group aims to bring together GPs and College members, who are trained and acting as expert witnesses in general practice.

Our aim

By fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and professional development, the group aims to:

  • Identify those trained and acting as expert witnesses in general practice.
  • Act as a source of advice to the College to respond to medico – legal approaches that the College receives.
  • As a forum for learning within the legal constraints of the communication that is allowed. Being an expert witness is an extremely lonely and exposed role.
  • Liaise with external stakeholders.

Current work

As a newly established group, we are in the process of developing a comprehensive work plan. We invite members to contribute their ideas and expertise to shape the group's initiatives. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us.

Group members

Dr Frances Cranfield

Dr Frances Cranfield has carried out work as an expert witness for over 30 years, giving evidence in civil, criminal and coroners’ courts and in disciplinary matters, including the first trial of gross negligent manslaughter concerning a GP, the Shipman Inquiry and major criminal trials. She is a founder member of the Expert Witness Institute.

She is senior partner in her general practice in Hertfordshire. She sits on Council of the Royal College of General Practitioners and is the RCGP national representative for expert witnesses and for medical examiners. She is an assistant coroner for Hertfordshire and a medical examiner for Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation.

Group outputs

  • Peer support and knowledge sharing - establish a network for colleagues in similar roles to share experiences, challenges, and best practices, reducing isolation in this work.
  • Guidance on medicolegal matters - provide well-informed, consistent responses to officers seeking advice on medicolegal issues.
  • Legal awareness and learning - facilitate discussions and learning opportunities within legal constraints to ensure compliance and informed decision-making.
  • Collaboration with key stakeholders

Connect with us

If you would like more information or are interested in joining the General practitioner expert witness group, please contact, and you will be connected with the relevant person. 

We also encourage you to join the RCGP members' forum, where you can engage in discussions with other members and stay updated on the latest developments and opportunities within the group. This forum provides a platform for continuous dialogue and knowledge sharing among members.