
The Adolescent Health Group (AHG) raises the profile of adolescent health, runs courses, conferences, produces resources and provides support to general practice. The group meets to share ideas and news, plan new projects about issues related to the health of adolescents up to the age of 25. In addition, we work with government departments, other Royal Medical Colleges and organisations, including the Association for Young People's Health.

Group members

Dr Fiona Smith 

Dr Fiona Smith is a GP from Stockton on Tees, who has a special interest in adolescent health. She has worked at Eaglescliffe Medical Practice since 2003, and in 2018 set up Footsteps, a service for children and young people based within a primary care setting.
Footsteps provides mental health support for young people aged 11-19 years and has received a BMJ award, RCGP poster prize and Stockton Mayors award. Fiona has been a member of the RCGP adolescent health group since 2019.

Dr Faraz Mughal

Dr Faraz Mughal is an academic GP and holds a prestigious National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Doctoral Fellowship at Keele University. Faraz is a GP in Birmingham, a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners, and an affiliate of the NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Research Collaboration. He is an NIHR Academy and NIHR Incubator for Mental Health Research Case Study and is an appointed NIHR Academy Forum member. Faraz has a growing international reputation for suicide prevention and young people’s mental health in primary care and is an expert advisor to the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England.

Faraz’s main research interests are in the prevention and management of self-harm and suicide, young people’s mental health, and common mental health problems in primary care settings. He is Chief Investigator (CI) of the NIHR funded COPING study - developing and testing a new brief psychosocial GP intervention for young people after self-harm. He has won research funding with colleagues amounting to £1.7 million, £647,000 at CI, from NIHR, NIHR SPCR, and the RCGP Scientific Foundation Board.
He has 101 scientific and peer-reviewed journal publications; H-index 15.

Dr Amina Al-Yassin

Dr Amina Al-Yassin is a GP in the NHS and Barnardo’s and the Clinical Lead for children’s services in the London Borough of Brent. Amina is passionate about the health and wellbeing of babies, children and young people. She has trained in both paediatrics (MRCPCH) and general practice (MRCGP). Amina has completed a post-CCT fellowship in child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) and a diploma in working in children and adolescent mental health. I am a core committee member in the Royal College of GP’s adolescent health special interest group.

As the Strategic Clinical Lead for Children’s Services in Brent, the scope of her role includes supporting better outcomes for Brent children in CAMHS, childhood obesity and dental caries, SEND, children with long term conditions and liaising with children’s safeguarding teams. As a GP with Barnardo’s, the largest national children's charity in the UK, she supports their work towards becoming a leading provider of integrated health and social care services across the country band, developing commissionable healthcare delivery models as part of its signature programs.

Amina established Iraq's first centre for personal development, resilience building and mentoring for orphaned children (Hikayati) and developed the governance, supervision and training structures for a network of family mental health clinics across the country including in rural and underserved areas.

She is passionate about education and training, both for fellow health care professionals and community groups. As well as an M.Sc. in Medical Education, Amina is a WHO FIDES health influencer and an accredited trainer for multiple programmes including the youth MHFA, children and war foundation’s trauma recovery intervention, and the Anna Freud National Autism trainers’ program. She enjoys public speaking and workshop facilitation and regularly presents at conferences and workshops for professionals, young people and families on mental health and wellbeing.

Amina has won multiple awards for her work, including the Imperial College Emerging Alumni leader award (2023) and the Empowered women's network outstanding achievement of the year (2023). In 2021, she was a finalist for the PULSE General Practice awards (GP Rising Star award).

Dr Emma Rengasamy

Dr Emma Rengasamy is currently an academic GP trainee doing an academic clinical fellowship at the University of Cambridge. Her current project is in the area of child and adolescent mental health. She is also one of the education and training officers for the International Association of Adolescent Health. Emma has a strong interest in adolescent health and mental health. 

Dr Liz Hare 

Dr Liz Hare qualified in 1992 from the Liverpool Medical School and completed an MRCGP in 2003 after completing basic surgical training and gaining FRCSI. She completed her Dermatology Diploma as part of a community surgery service and joined AHG in circa 2016 and remains very engaged to this day. Liz is sighted on medical writing about Young People’s health topics, and is a case reviewer for NCEPOD on Transition, Endometriosis and JIA research studies. 

Dr Stephanie Lamb

Dr Stephanie is a GP partner in a group practice covering a diverse inner-city population of 15,500 in Lambeth, South London and founder and Clinical Director of the Well Centre, a young person’s integrated health hub with Primary Care, Health and Wellbeing Link workers and CAMHS.

She has a special interest in developing accessible, young people friendly services in Primary Care and developing targeted services to more vulnerable groups of young people.

She has been GP lead of the Children and Young People’s Health Partnership, (now CHILDS) since 2013.

She is Chair of the RCGP Adolescent Health Group.

Current work

  • Development of a downloadable practice leaflet for young people and their parents for GPs to use
  • Feeding into collaborations on eLearning related to adolescent health
  • Exploration of the quality of postgraduate training in adolescent health
  • IDE - Adolescent health

Group outputs

Key activities and resources have included:

  • Confidentiality and Young People Toolkit May 2016 (PDF file, 8.6 MB). An update of the Confidentiality and Young People Toolkit has been carried out by the Royal College of General Practitioners; Adolescent Health Group
  • Setting up the Association for Young People's Health (AYPH) with representatives of other organisations
  • Development of the training videos Clueless and Trust and the DVD, Helping Establish Adolescent Rapport (HEAR)
  • The "Getting it Right" for young people awareness campaign (2002 to 2005; training events and dispatch of more than 75,000 pamphlets to GP surgeries)
  • Establishing the Kathy Phipps Adolescent Health Care Award
  • Contributing to the BMJ Masterclass and RCGP One Day Essential series
  • Running national conferences on adolescent health
  • Supporting the GP Champions Project with AYPH and the RCGP Clinical Champion for Youth Mental Health
  • Contributing sessions on adolescent health at national primary care conferences
  • Ongoing development of the Confidentiality Toolkit for general practice team training

Contact us

You can get in touch with the group by emailing us: