Courses and events

We provide a wide range of high-quality online events to support our members' continuing professional development. Topics cover a broad range of clinical, wellbeing and developmental themes for GPs at all stages of their career.


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Royal Station Hotel, Newcastle

Minor Surgery Skills | Entry Level (includes DOPS) - Newcastle

This two day beginners course is a mixture of theoretical and practical sessions and is intended for all GPs who wish to carry out Minor Surgery in their practices. It also includes the Direct Observations of Procedural Skills (DOPS) Assessment.

  • Date

    06 November 2024
  • Start time

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Ramada Plaza Wrexham

RCGP Wales - Joint Injection Wednesday 6 November 2024

This 1-day Joint Injection course is aimed at practitioners working with musculoskeletal patients who would like to improve their assessment, diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal conditions, including the role of, the theory behind and practical use of corticosteroid joint and soft tissue injections. The course is suitable for all skill levels. This is a highly practical course and consists of a series of short and punchy lectures in the morning, followed by hands-on demonstrations and supervised practice for the remainder of the day. If you are a novice or beginner, the team will teach you to safely offer Joint Injections. If you have previous experience, you’ll expand your knowledge and receive an excellent CPD update from Medical Skills Courses' expert tutors.

  • Date

    06 November 2024
  • Start time

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Safer consulting | part 2: Reducing diagnostic errors through the use of accident prevention plans

This session will introduce you to strategies & interventions to reduce diagnostic errors in your consultations.

  • Date

    06 November 2024
  • Start time

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How to say NO!

Are you always taking on too much? Are there times when you know you should have said no? Join us for tips and advice on of to learn this skill and make your life and time easier.

  • Date

    06 November 2024
  • Start time

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Eastwood Hall Mansfield Road Eastwood Nottingham NG16 3SS

Vale of Trent Faculty Celebratory Dinner and Annual General Meeting 2024

We are pleased to announce this year's Vale of Trent Faculty Celebratory Dinner will take place at Eastwood Hall, Mansfield Road, Eastwood, Nottingham NG16 3SS.

  • Date

    06 November 2024
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Understanding Alzheimer's Disease and Vascular Dementia: Diagnosis, Management, and Future Directions

The online course will cover both Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia diseases; distinct presentations, diagnostic criteria, investigative approaches, available treatments and strategies for managing behavioural and psychological symptoms.

  • Date

    07 November 2024
  • Start time

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Ramada Plaza Wrexham

RCGP Wales - 2-Day Minor Surgery Course (with DOPS)

This highly practical 2 day Minor Surgery Course is for primary care clinicians who would like to develop or improve their surgical skills, whilst learning to provide a safe, effective and modern community Minor Surgery service. The training is suitable for all skill levels, from novice to expert. The event begins with a series of succinct and entertaining lectures where we cover practical tips, useful advice, and all the key safety information you need. We also include step-by-step guidance around the practicalities of setting up your own service including the nuances of delivering minor surgery within the community. This is followed by supervised hands-on practice for the remainder of the two days.

  • Date

    07 November 2024
  • Start time

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Thames Valley AGM and Celebration Dinner

RCGP Thames Valley Faculty is delighted to host their 2024 AGM, Dinner at The Oxfordshire, OX9 2PU. This will be an opportunity to celebrate successes in Primary Care locally - meet old friends and make new ones as we welcome new Members and celebrate new Fellows.

  • Date

    07 November 2024
  • Start time

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Complaints – their impact, why they happen and how to manage them.

In this session Dr Doug Devoy will discuss the reasons why patients take action against us, the impact complaints can have on our morale and potentially our professional welfare, and how to respond to them. This will be an informative and case based presentation.

  • Date

    07 November 2024
  • Start time

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