RCGP blog


02 February 2023

GP wellbeing matters in General Practice

Dr Eve Barnes discusses wellbeing in general practice and the findings of a recent Commonwealth fund report to mark Time to Talk day.

23 January 2023

Meet the RCGP International accreditation medical director

The RCGP has started an accreditation process for postgraduate specialist training in family medicine in an international setting. The driver for this was a direct request to the College from one of its MRCGP International sites.

23 January 2023

Meet the RCGP International medical director for education and training

My name is Rich Whitnall, I’m delighted to introduce myself as the RCGP International Medical Director for Education and Training. I’ve worked in, and learned from, colleagues in over 20 countries.

20 January 2023

Making a major difference to patient care

Dr Steve Holmes discusses recent challenges in general practice and his hopes for the coming years in the Severn Faculty.

20 December 2022

The wellbeing prescription: social prescribing in action at Alvanley Family Practice

When Alvanley Family started to map their community activities, with the help of their volunteer Practice Health Champions, they knew they would need a way to direct their patients to activities in a trusted way.

16 December 2022

Coding is caring: Using data to combat the Strep A outbreak

The current Strep A outbreak is bringing the work of the RCGP Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC) into focus.

22 November 2022

Islamophobia in the NHS: Tackling Denial

This year’s theme for Islamophobia Awareness Month is “tackling denial”, a fitting reminder for a pervasive and under-recognised endemic in the NHS.

19 November 2022

Welcome from your new chair

Firstly, I want to say thank you for the warm reception I’ve received since the announcement of my election.

01 November 2022

Islamophobia – Time to tackle denial

As primary care physicians, we experience many cases of denial: a patient not seeking medical advice for symptoms or coming to terms with a new diagnosis.