Policy areas

The RCGP regularly produces policy statements and reports setting out the College's position on important issues affecting primary care.

Topics are listed alphabetically, and you can also search for particular topics and/or filter by key themes. 

Pages marked as ‘archived’ have older content that has not been updated recently. However, these pages are still accessible for reference.

Total results: 61

  • The RCGP's UK-wide position, supporting the decriminalisation of abortion.

  • Guidance for health professionals in Northern Ireland ahead of the expected law change decriminalising termination of pregnancy after 22 October 2019.

  • Analysis of how the generalist ANP and general practitioner roles complement each other while serving different functions within the team - RCGP Scotland position.

  • The RCGP proposes 6 key recommendations for the use of advice and guidance which includes shared clinical risk between primary and secondary care and aims to ensure that advice and guidance continues as one option for clinicians within a referral process and must not be mandated.

  • A joint position statement with the UK Faculty of Public Health (FPH),the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) on reducing the threat of antimicrobial resistance.

  • The Royal College of General Practitioner’s Council voted to move to a position of neither supporting nor opposing assisted dying being legal on 14 March 2025.

  • The RCGP position statement on registration of vulnerable migrants, including refugees and asylum seekers, with GP practices.

  • The College's position, outlining its commitments to enabling access for patients on the autistic spectrum to primary care, and recognising the additional needs of those with autism and their families/carers.

  • The RCGP position, supporting breastfeeding as the optimum form of nutrition for babies and highlighting its benefits.

  • The College's stance on Brexit and the risk that it poses to the profession.

  • The RCGP position on drug related harms, exploring the role of GPs in supporting and caring for patients who are affected by problem drug use and proposing recommendations for policymakers across the United Kingdom.

  • Guidance seeking to give clinicians the current understanding about where ECs may help with smoking cessation and the current understanding in regards to their safety.

  • RCGP recommendations to ensure the next generation of GPs is ready to meet the needs of a changing population, and the practical challenges that the NHS presents.

  • Salient literature containing the historical and current ethical and legal context in which the concept of 'equivalence' has evolved and provide a working definition of 'equivalence' in order that further discussion and refinement can take place.

  • The RCGP views FGM as child abuse, as the child has been subjected to irreparable physical harm, and is committed to its eradication.

  • RCGP position, recommending that health professionals should exercise caution when asked to offer, or provide, clinical expertise about the results of Direct to Consumer (DTC) genomic or genetic testing.

  • The College's public position on GP appraisals.

  • Together with the BMA and the GMC, the RCGP recognises that GPs are expert medical generalists, and as such are specialists in general practice.The College calls for the Medical Act to be changed at the earliest opportunity, as announced by Wes Streeting, to allow a single advanced medical register that recognises GPs as expert medical generalists, and specialists in general practice.

  • The College's response to the significant reforms to the organisation and delivery of health and care services in England.

  • GPs play a pivotal role in addressing health inequalities as they are first-hand witnesses of the health and social issues experienced by socioeconomically deprived communities.

  • Primary care practitioners should provide a welcoming and sensitive service to homeless people and enable them to access the services they need.

  • RCGP and BMA update: Information on the proposals for the prescription of inclisiran in primary care settings.

  • Inadequate general practice premises and digital infrastructure is limiting the ability of GPs to deliver the care patients need - May 2023.

  • Good processes and organisation of care across the interface between primary and secondary care are important for ensuring a smooth and effective transition for patients during referral and discharge.

  • 2015 MoU against conversion therapy, RCGPNI guidelines, and other resources to support GPs delivering care to LGBTQ+ patients.

  • GPs have a key role to play in identifying people who are chronically lonely or who are at risk of becoming lonely.

  • Position on mandatory reporting of child abuse, developed in collaboration with the RCPCH - 2023.

  • The RCGP, in partnership with the Health Foundation, has been examining the vital role of medical generalism in today’s healthcare system.

  • RCGP, RCOG and BMS position on the Menopause - May 2022. Menopause is part of a woman’s life that every GP requires understanding of to enable them to care for their patients, and their families and carers when appropriate.

  • The role of general practice in managing patients in the community, mental health problems and long-term conditions, parity of esteem of mental and physical health, interprofessional working as well as training and education.

  • The expansion of the general practice workforce - in both size and scope - is recognised as a "step-change" in the evolution of general practice.

  • The RCGP signed a joint statement in response to the NICE guidance on the treatment and diagnosis of Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) / chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

  • Position on National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) for assessing the patient at risk of deterioration in general practice.

  • Self-testing kits have expanded in availability and disease areas in recent years. Manufacturers may offer testing of suspected conditions, or 'check ups' regardless of symptoms or evidence for screening.

  • This competency framework addresses the common core competencies and the wider range of skills, knowledge and behaviours a nurse needs.

  • General practice has a vital role to play in the delivery of high-quality patient care and is highly valued by patients, at all times of the day, including outside normal working hours and in the face of urgent patient needs.

  • Position on Palliative and End of Life Care, including specific considerations for each of the devolved nations of the UK.

  • At a time when general practice faces severe workforce shortages and workload pressures, it is vital that GPs are valued and respected, through the achievement of parity of professional esteem.

  • Position on issues relating to patient records, including patients access to their records, GDPR, and the need for adequate safeguards.

  • The College has produced a position statement regarding treatment of parents with mental health issues during the perinatal period.

  • The RCGP has produced a practical guide to support GPs in the implementation of personal health budgets in England.

  • The Primary Care Networks and Clinical Pharmacists statement highlights their role in supporting the integration of primary care with the wider healthcare team.

  • Guidance on induction and preceptorship, supervision and scope of practice of Physician Associates (PAs) working in general practice.

  • The College believes that PCNs are an opportunity to change primary care for the better if given the time and space to develop properly.

  • Position on the features of general practice in the NHS across the UK, proposing to move to a model that emphasises continuous improvement.

  • RCGP's report on systems of referral management.

  • Policy reports that highlight the benefits of relational care and promote members having the time and space to deliver it.

  • Remote consultations is an area the College is continuing to monitor and work on as GPs continue to use them post-pandemic.

  • The RCGP and RPS have developed a repeat prescribing toolkit, which supports creating collaborative, safe and efficient processes for repeat prescribing.

  • RCGP report exploring the workforce challenges facing general practice, highlighting the pressing need to address the reasons GPs are leaving the profession or reducing their contracted hours, to ensure that GPs are able to work sustainably and patients receive high-quality care.

  • The RCGP has been carrying out some scoping work into the potential role of doctors who are not GPs working in general practice.

  • The College's position regarding screening programmes which have not been approved by the UK NSC, NICE, HIS, PHW or DHNI.

  • The College has identified the obstacles preventing GPs from delivering sexual and reproductive health services, and made recommendations to overcome them.

  • The RCGP has acknowledged the climate crisis and accepted its duty to provide leadership and escalate its action to decarbonise and promote environmental sustainability.

  • GPs have always been at the forefront of adopting new technology and will continue do so with new developments as far as they enable safe patient care.

  • The RCGP published its first planetary health report, Towards Greener Prescribing in General Practice. The report explores the challenges general practices face in adopting sustainable prescribing and outlines key actions for UK Governments and national bodies to drive meaningful change.

  • Position on the GP role with respect to patients experiencing gender incongruence, the policy principles underpinning this position and recommendations to improve future care for these patients.

  • The RCGP proposed recommendations to minimise the impact of patients' opt outs and minimise the use of their confidential information for purposes beyond direct care.

  • The College has produced position statements and resources on the urgent and emergency care system.

  • The RCOG, RCM, RCGP and RCPCH issue a joint statement for worried parents, carers and healthcare professionals on whooping cough, otherwise known as pertussis.

  • The WHH model aims to improve women’s access and experiences of care by better integrating the services and support they require throughout their reproductive life course.