RCGP Northern Ireland

About Northern Ireland

RCGP Northern Ireland aims to represent our members working in Northern Ireland and to address local issues. We also work with RCGP colleagues from across the UK on issues of mutual concern.

RCGPNI represents over 1,400 members in Northern Ireland, accounting for 75% of the GP workforce in Northern Ireland.

Activities of RCGPNI include:

  • Membership support and development for all stages of the GP career
  • Engagement with key policymakers and stakeholders including senior officials at the Department of Health, the Strategic Planning and Performance Group and other statutory agencies
  • Political engagement, including with the Northern Ireland Assembly Health Committee and Minister for Health
  • Preparation of thorough responses to Governmental policy consultations, to ensure the views of general practice are on the record
  • Represent general practice on a range of high level working groups to shape public policy
  • Working with other medical Royal Colleges, the BMA and similar organisations to make progress on our common aims
  • Represent the views of members by engaging with the media
  • Support for practice-based staff
  • Provision of CPD courses and events

RCGP Northern Ireland Council

The RCGP Northern Ireland Council is made up of GP elected members from the Northern Ireland Membership, including 15 geographic representatives (three from each trust area), as well as additional members who represent various membership communities and focus areas. There is also an appointed lay representative who holds observer status on RCGPNI Council. Members give their time on a voluntary basis to further the objectives of the College in Northern Ireland.

The Chair of RCGPNI Council is Dr Ursula Mason.

Email: ChairNI@rcgp.org.uk
Twitter: @ursulaamason

RCGPNI Council meetings take place online and in the RCGPNI Office on a quarterly basis with the Annual General Meeting being held in November. All members are entitled to attend the Council meetings as observers and should declare their intention to attend by emailing the NI Governance Officer Bronagh McCann on Bronagh.McCann@rcgp.org.uk or NICouncil@rcgp.org.uk.


Dr Ursula Mason, RCGPNI Chair and Belfast Area Representative

Council members

  • Dr John Goodrich, Deputy Chair Membership & Professional Development and Northern Area Rep
  • Dr Frew Johnston, Northern Area Representative
  • Dr Aoibhin McGarrity, Northern Area Representative
  • Dr Richard Kirk, South Eastern Area Representative
  • Dr Adrienne Keown, Southern Area Representative
  • Dr Emma Murtagh, Belfast Area Representative
  • Dr Rebecca McGinley, Belfast Area Representative and UK Council Representative
  • Dr Paul Molloy, Western Area Representative and GPC Representative
  • Dr Gerard O’Flaherty, Western Area Representative
  • Dr Andrew Wilson, First5 Representative
  • Dr Miriam Dolan, Rural Representative
  • Dr Nigel Hart, Academic Representative
  • Dr Waqar Ahmed, Sessional Representative
  • Dr Derval Dolan, Western Area Representative
  • Dr Paul Leggett, NIMDTA Rep
  • Vacant - AiT Representative
  • Dr Jonathan Fee, Southeastern Area Representative 
  • Dr Richard Dillion, Deputy First5 Representative
  • Dr Enoma Patrick Osazuwa, International Medical Graduate Representative
  • Dr Sailesh Mohana Krishnan, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Representative
  • Dr John O’Kelly, Later Career and Retired Member Representative
  • Dr Alan Glendinning, Southern Area Representative
  • Dr Jonathan Dillon, Southern Area Representative

Northern Ireland Council Executive Committee members

  • Dr Laurence Dorman
  • Dr Ursula Mason
  • Dr John Goodrich
  • Dr Caren Walsh
  • Dr Louise Dubras
  • Dr Emma Murtagh

Practice Managers' Forum

The Practice Managers' Forum is a network of support to practice managers giving them a platform to share information, ideas and views on the smooth running of practice life. We host Practice Manager events bi-annually which are available to book via our website or contact NICouncil@rcgp.org.uk

Patient Network

To find out how to get involved in the Patient Network on behalf of patients in Northern Ireland, to continue enhancing the quality of services delivered by GPs, please contact Cliona McCarney

Your Local NI Events

RCGP Northern Ireland are proud to deliver a number of excellent educational and social events throughout the year.

View all learning and social events in Northern Ireland

Professional behaviours and communication principles

The successful treatment of our patients depends heavily on our ability to work well together. Good communication should sit at the heart of everything we do - and often many of the issues we face are the result of poor communication.

This document, which has been agreed by medical Royal Colleges in Northern Ireland, intends to renew a sense of professional respect and assist in overcoming barriers in the future.

Professional behaviours and communication principles (PDF file, 791 KB)

A prescription for general practice - Northern Ireland Assembly election manifesto 2022

Past Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners in Northern Ireland, Dr Laurence Dorman launched "A prescription for general practice" urging political leaders to prioritise investing in general practice, ahead of the Northern Ireland Assembly election in May 2022.

RCGPNI publications

Controlled drugs registers

If you would like to order a controlled drugs register (PDF file, 326 KB), please complete the order form or contact NICouncil@rcgp.org.uk. We will post a hardcopy Controlled Drugs register out to your chosen address.

Member support

We engage with members at all career stages through our Council representatives and via our programme of member support events. From student support via our Undergraduate Medical Champions, to recognising GP colleagues through RCGP Fellowship, we support you throughout your career. Our website hosts a wealth of information on your membership, including helpful resources and local events.

Continuing professional development

RCGPNI provide an educational programme during the course of the year with concessional rates for members. If you have any suggestions for future events or courses, please contact Michelle Newell.

Contact us

3 Joy Street

Email: NICouncil@rcgp.org.uk
Phone: 020 3188 7722

Follow us

23 September 2024

PCI - The burden of physical long-term conditions in people with SMI webinar

Taking place virtually on the Monday 23rd September 2024 from 11:00 – 12:00 BST. This webinar aims to explore how we can use electronic health records to explore inequalities in the physical health of people with severe mental illness. From physical health screening in primary care, to the relative timing of physical health and mental health diagnoses, and avoidable hospitalisations for physical health.

24 September 2024

Child & adult safeguarding: level 3 | Online

This RCGP Level 3 safeguarding course is for any GP practising in England. As GPs, we care for both children and adults and the course reflects this, covering child and adult safeguarding topics – individually and jointly. The course will be based around practical considerations for busy frontline GPs. There will be plenty of time for questions throughout the day. CPD Points: includes 4 hours of child safeguarding and 4 hours of adult safeguarding.

24 September 2024

PCI -The Provision of Personalised Care for People with Complex Fatigue

Taking place virtually on the Tuesday 24th September 2024 from 11:00 – 12:00 BST. This webinar will be of interest to those with an interest in how Personalised Care is possible for people with complex fatigue and multiple morbidities

24 September 2024

PCI W4 - The swiss army knife approach to caring for someone with multi morbidity

Taking place virtually on the Tuesday 24th September 2024 from 13:00 – 14:00 BST. This webinar will aim to help health and care professionals to understand the complexities of the role of an unpaid carer.