
Council is responsible for shaping College policy relating to general practice and policies relating to the GP profession including professional standards and development.

Council is made up of the President, Council officers, faculty representatives, chairs of the Devolved Councils, and nationally elected members and some additional members appointed due to their role, e.g. committee chair. Observers from internal groups and external organisations also attend Council.

Council meets four times per year at 30 Euston Square and also virtually. 

  • Friday 8 March 2024  
  • Saturday 22 June 2024  
  • Friday 20 September 2024  
  • Saturday 30 November 2024

Our council members 2023-2024

Take a look at the RCGP Council members from 2023 to 2024.

Professor Kamila Hawthorne, Chair of Council, South East Wales Faculty

Headshot of Professor Kamila Hawthorne

Dr Richard Vautrey, President, Yorkshire Faculty

Headshot of Dr Richard Vautrey

Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown, Vice Chair, External Affairs, North and West London Faculty

Head shot of Dr Victoria Tzortziou Brown

Dr Margaret Ikpoh, Vice Chair, Professional Development, Humber and The Ridings Faculty

Head shot of Dr Margaret Ikpoh

Dr Steve Mowle, Honorary Treasurer, South London Faculty

Head shot of Dr Steve Mowle

Dr Michael Mulholland, Honorary Secretary, Thames Valley Faculty

Head shot of Dr Michael Mulholland

Dr Chris Provan, Chair of Scotland Council

Headshot of Dr Chris Provan

Dr Rowena Christmas, Chair of Welsh Council

Head shot of Dr Rowena Christmas

Dr Ursula Mason, Chair of Northern Ireland Council

Head shot of Dr Ursula Mason

  • Dr Carter Singh, Vale of Trent Faculty
  • Dr Kirsty Alexander, Severn Faculty
  • Dr Susi Caesar, Wessex Faculty
  • Dr Nicholas Brown, Severn Faculty
  • Dr Tajvinder Grewal, Midland Faculty
  • Dr Mohana Ratnapalan, South Yorkshire Norther Trent Faculty
  • Professor Joanne Reeve, Humber and the Ridings Faculty
  • Dr Uwadiae Ima-Edomwonyi, North West England Faculty
  • Dr Gail Allsopp, Vale of Trent Faculty
  • Sir Sam Everington, North East London Faculty
  • Dr Aaliya Goyal, Midland Faculty
  • Dr Stuart Blake, South East Scotland Faculty
  • Professor Aneez Esmail, North West England Faculty
  • Dr Azza Elghonaimy, Yorkshire Faculty
  • Dr Chaand Nagpaul, North and West London Faculty
  • Dr Emma Wong, South Yorkshire Norther Trent Faculty
  • Dr Heather Ryan, Mersey Faculty
  • Dr Selvaseelan Selvarajah, North East London Faculty

  • Dr Toyosi Adeniji - Chair of the First5 Network
  • Dr Akram Hussain - Chair of the AiT (Associates in Training) Network
  • Dr Maryanna Tavener - Deputy Chair of the AiT (Associates in Training) Network

  • Dr Frances Cranfield, Beds and Herts Faculty
  • Dr Dornubari Lebari, Cumbria Faculty
  • Dr Munro Stewart, East of Scotland Faculty
  • Dr Babefemi Salako, Essex Faculty
  • Dr Laura Douglas, Humber and the Ridings Faculty 
  • Dr Serge Engamba, East Anglia Faculty
  • Dr Saqib Anwar, Leicester Faculty
  • Dr Jonathan Griffiths, Mersey Faculty
  • Dr Jamie Hynes, Midland Faculty
  • Dr Onyinye Okonkwo, Midland Faculty
  • Dr Andrew Dharman, North and West London Faculty 
  • Dr Lily Lamb, North East England Faculty
  • Dr Janakan Crofton, North East London Faculty
  • Dr Margaret Denison, North East Scotland Faculty  
  • Dr Chris Williams, North of Scotland Faculty
  • Dr Sioned Enlli, North Wales Faculty
  • Dr Jane Wilcock, North West England Faculty
  • Dr Rob West, North West England Faculty
  • Dr Rebecca McGinley, Northern Ireland Faculty
  • Dr Ide Delargy, RoI Faculty 
  • Dr Jill Wilson, Severn Faculty 
  • Dr Sian Tucker, South East Scotland Faculty
  • Dr Kate Neden, South East Thames Faculty 
  • Dr Isolde Shore-Nye, North East Wales Faculty 
  • Dr Yasmin Rahman, South London Faculty
  • Dr Jaspreet Dhillon, South West Thames Faculty
  • Dr Will Mackintosh, South West Wales Faculty 
  • Dr Janet Hall, South Yorkshire and North Trent Faculty
  • Dr Nick Hodges, Tamar Faculty
  • Dr Shamila Wanninayake, Thames Valley Faculty 
  • Dr Anjla Sharman, Vale of Trent Faculty
  • Dr Johnny Lyon Maris, Wessex Faculty 
  • Dr Karen O'Reilly, Wessex Faculty
  • Dr Mary Anne Burrow, West of Scotland Faculty
  • Prof Vijay Kumar, Yorkshire Faculty

  • Dr John Spicer, Chair of Committee on Medical Ethics, 
  • Professor Mike Holmes, Chair of the Trustee Board, Humber and the Ridings Faculty
  • Dr Imran Rafi, Council Trustee, South West Thames Faculty
  • Dr Sonali Kinra, Council Trustee, North and West London Faculty
  • Dr Waqar Ahmed, Council Trustee, Northern Ireland Faculty
  • Dr Thomas Patel-Campbell, Council Trustee, Humber and the Ridings Faculty

  • Mrs Jenny Aston, Allied Healthcare Professions
  • Dr Chandra Kanneganti, British International Doctors' Association
  • Dr Sanjiv Sinha, Deputy Chair, British International Doctors' Association
  • Dr Euan Lawson, Editor of the British Journal of General Practice
  • Owen Richards, Lay Chair, Patient and Carers Partnership Group (PCPG)
  • Dr Paul Evans, BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC)
  • Dr Venothan Suri, BMA General Practitioners Committee (GPC)
  • Dr Fiona Sellens, Chair, Committee of General Practice Education Directors (COGPED)
  • Professor Rich Whitnall, RCGP Chief Examiner
  • Surgeon Captain Dr Kate King, Joint Armed Forces
  • Dr Duncan Shrewsbury, Co-Chair, Society of Academic Primary Care
  • Dr Rupert Payne, Co-Chair, Society of Academic Primary Care

Council papers

To view Council papers, log in to MyRCGP.

Council committees

Fellowship and awards

The fellowship and awards committee examines nominations for fellowships and awards, and makes recommendations to the RCGP Council.

Medical ethics

The medical ethics committee advises our Council on ethical issues affecting RCGP, our members, and on any ethical implications of decisions we make.

Scientific foundation board

The scientific foundation board gives grants for research specific to general practice up to £2000. The board gives awards to:

  • research undertaken within the UK, and based on subjects within the UK
  • practising GPs and primary care teams
  • young and new researchers
  • those not previously in receipt of an award
  • non RCGP members

Specialty advisory committee

The GP Specialty Advisory Committee (GP SAC) is a national committee co-chaired by the RCGP and COGPED. To develop, and oversee policy in all areas of work relating to specialty:

  • training
  • assessment and certification

They have oversight of all RCGP committees relating to training and assessment, which report directly to the GP SAC. Members are drawn from our members and from external organisations.

Patient groups

The College has one College-wide patient group and a virtual network in each of the Devolved Nations that share similar aims, values and goals. Find out more about RCGP patient groups.